Tossing the ball to the first baseman

This answer doesn’t make sense. My first question is whether this really happens. I haven’t seen that many major league games but I don’t remember ever seeing it at a minor league game. As far as sense goes, about half the time the first baseman is going to have an at bat during the inning. Does he carry the ball in his pocket? I don’t think the umpires would think too highly of that.

Yeah, it happens. When the first baseman runs off the field, they throw him a ball just before he reaches the top step of the dugout. It goes in his glove, which he obviously doesn’t take to the plate with him.


Thanks, I’ll rest easier tonight.

Traditionally it is the first base coach who throws the ball to the first baseman also.

For the record, I go to about ten or fifteen minor-league and college baseball games a year. In the three or four years since I read the linked column, I’ve found myself paying attention to this detail, and every time, without one single exception, someone’s tossed the first baseman a ball as he walked off after an inning.

I confess I was amazed, as I’d never noticed or heard of this before I read the column.