272 BCE.
The greatest, most handsomest military mind in Roman history, Kinthalius Junia Magnus, takes his place as consul of Rome for the first time.
The Etruscan League has held the norther Italian peninsula for far too long, and my first order of business is dislodging them from our lands, once and for all! Of course our hastati are twice the soldiers that the Etruscan spearmen are, so I focus on economic research, rather than military, and reinforce the two Legions stationed in Italy with hastati and Levites.
Year one: Steam Community :: Screenshot :: Straight Dope Hot Seat Campaign - Year one
Velathri falls quickly and allows me to cut off access to Ariminum which I encircle and attack in what is Rome’s first large scale battle.
Etruscan defeat: Steam Community :: Screenshot :: Straight Dope Hot Seat Campaign - First Etruscan War
Rome’s troops prove to be superior and Legio II earns it’s title: Italica.
In the meantime and through extensive negotiations I get Syracuse to accept Roman administration, officially becoming our first client state. I also forge trade and non-aggression pacts with Carthage and some of the city states across the Adriatic including Athens.
In year 18 of my rule, I finally deal the Etruscan league a mortal blow, taking from them Alalia in Corsica, finally bringing stability to the region and, for now, at least, peace.
After the first term: Steam Community :: Screenshot :: Straight Dope Hot Seat Campaign - End of Kinthalius Magnus Consul term of 20 years ;)
20 years after my start as consul I see that controlling Sardinia will be critical to our control of trade in the mediterranean, but all out war with Carthage and it’s satrapies is unwise. I start a campaign of subterfuge in Karalis and set the foundation for a slave uprising, which, if timed correctly, my replacement might be able to take advantage of. If the rebels take Karalis, Rome can take the city without forcing a punic war. At least in the short term.
Save file can be downloaded here: Dropbox - Error - Simplify your life
Your Turn Terminus!