Trading Spouses - For Real?

Am I the only one who noticed the very vague commercial for “WifeSwap” during the NBA finals tonight?

Looks like another crappy (hilariously crappy?) reality show that I’ll be suckered into watching. Anybody have more info on it?

I was just wondering the same thing. says this.

Scary. :smiley:

Darn. I was really hoping for something more Dave Chappelle-ish

g-g-g-g-g-g-G-uNIT! :stuck_out_tongue:

Take my wife – please!

(Somebody had to do that.)

G-g-g-g-g-g-get yo’ ass in the car!


MMmmmm…titty residue…

One thing that harmless blurb doesn’t mention that I read somewhere is that the two wives/mothers are from extremely disparate economic backgrounds, so while one gets her hands dirty doing chores she usually delegates out to her cleaning staff, the other confronts a family who may not be used to pulling their weight of responsibility helping around the house. We’ll see…

They’re also advertising a new show called something like “Dissatisfied Wives” or something equally noxious, about women having affairs with other men. How far down this path is the country going to go before crying “enough!”?

Trust me, I’m crying already!

WifeSwap is generally horribly unfair. That’s just part of the deal. They have to pre-arrange the conflict, because otherwise people would get on. They have to guarantee tears and screaming matches.

One of the best ever episodes was (I think) the very first, in which a bizarrely unhealthy, ignorant, loudmouthed, obnoxious working class family, who the programme makers had convinced to say that they didn’t approve of mixed marriages, were swapped over with a smart young black couple with good jobs and lots of self-discipline. See, the problem was that it was sold as just being about white people and black people, when really there was a vast gap of education, financial standing, and self-awareness. It was a very, very funny episode (if you like seeing idiots totally humiliate themselves by getting enraged to the point where they forget what they’re angry about - I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but it is).

Another was a sad little episode where a very well-off working mum who barely sees her kid swaps with a poorer family with six kids and little money, but, y’know, loads of love… the end result being so obvious that I couldn’t help feeling the programme-makers must have goaded the two wives into their slanging match at the end. In that one you really just wanted them to let the poor woman go home.