In southeastern PA I often see a cluster of five traffic lights at intersections. Centered at the top is a red light. Below that are two yellow lights – the right one with a yellow arrow. On the bottom are two green lights – again, the right one is a green arrow. Next to the cluster of lights is generally a sign reading “Right Turn Signal.”
Clearly, when the green allow is illuminated, you are allowed to turn right even if the red light is also illuminated. However, is it legal to make a right turn when the red light at the top is the only light illuminated? I always assumed that the “Right Turn Signal” sign means that if the red light is the only one illuminated, it is not legal to turn right. The PA code has no insight into this only stating that you must stop for a red light and are then allowed to turn right if there is no sign prohibiting a right turn on red.
I don’t know the laws in PA but I’ve seen something similar here in NH and I always assume that you can still stop and turn right on the red light, i.e, treat the red light as a stop sign.
Here’s my logic:
If the green right arrow is on then its just like if the green light is on for a simple intersection that doesn’t have a green arrow. You have right of way to turn right, i.e, nobody else should be turning into that space (check for pedestrians). The reason that there is a green arrow at all is probably because there are times in the cycle when the green arrow is on but the green round light is off and the red at the top is on. At this time you still don’t conflict with anyone if you turn right so it would be unnecessary to have to stop before turning right.
A complaint I have around here are several intersections where the cycle is such that there is an “implied” left arrow but it doesn’t exist. I’m waiting to turn left, the light goes green (no arrows) but I’m still waiting wondering why oncoming traffic is not moving. It’s because they have a red light. If I didn’t know that then how long should I wait until deciding that the drivers on the other side are just slow and I should turn in front of them? Efficient and safe driving here seems to depend on local knowledge. Either someone didn’t think about the arrow when it was installed or its a cost cutting measure. I know at least three intersections like that.
In California if there is a green arrow, and they don’t want you to turn right/left when the arrow is not illuminated, the also install a red arrow to inform you*. In many intersections they have both a green light and a green arrow, but no red arrow. So in this case,
green arrow on, red light on = protected turn.
Green arrow off / green light on = turn OK subject to other traffic rules (yield, right of way etc)
Green arrow off, red light, NO red arrow = Left turn NOK, right turn OK subject to other traffic rules.
Red arrow = NO turns.
You states rules my vary.
*Or in the past, there would be a separate signal labeled left turn signal, turn on green arrow only
I would be surprised if this was true, I know a lot of drivers assume there is no turn on a red arrow but the arrow means you are in a turn lane, not no turns on red, in general unless there is a sign stating no turn on red it is legal in all 50 states. (the only area where this does not apply appears to be Manhattan)