Traffic stops & concealed carry.

Inspired by a thread in M&P, I now comment and ask:

I got my Concealed Carry in Arkansas and was taught that when I was stopped by a police officer, I should hand my CC permit to him also if I was carrying the weapon. IIRC, One of the reasons was so that if I was searched or for some reason the weapon was discovered, there would not be so much of a chance of me being face down in the mud trying to ‘splain’.

I have asked a few officers of the years since and in different state and some agree with showing it immediately and a few said they didn’t care and a some even said to not do it.

So, if you carry legal and are armed and stopped for any reason, when you are asked for ID, do you show the CC permit then or wait?

For the officers on the board, what do you expect, prefer?

I look so much like I have just done something I should not have, I show mine. a) I’m always armed. b) The wife is armed. c) The majority of officers seem to prefer it and the one time I have been stopped by an officer I did not know while being armed was very cool about it and just asked where I had it. He did not ask to see it nor did he want me to leave in in the vehicle or anything. It seemed just to be a courtesy on my part to him.


What has been you experience and if an officer, what do you prefer?

I grew up in Northern Louisiana which is far from the mentality in Arkansas although even more permissive. My father is always armed after being kidnapped and almost killed when he was 17 by an intruder that hid in his car. He carriers a .44 magnum which is hard to conceal fully but he usually has it in an obvious pistol case beside him. In an area where unconcealed carry might mean a gun rack inches from the drivers head, I can’t imagine why it would be a problem to let the officer know. It is legal after all and it won’t be the first time the officer has encountered it. As long as you say it in a calm factual voice, that indicates that you are a responsible citizen. Saying “I want to show you something” and then whipping it out is not recommended. I don’t know if I would announce it every time you talk to a police officer but if it comes time to run your plates.

I just got my CC permit, and have on occasion carried in the truck–I would not show my license, unless specifically asked.

The officer pulled me over for a traffic violation, and I will conduct business on that level. Unless he asks, he has no other need to know what is in my truck, be it tire iron, Led Zeppelin album, legally-carried pistol, or ham sandwich.

Now I will not lie to him if he asks if I have any “weapons or dangerous items in the vehicle”, but of the handful of times I’ve been stopped, that question came up maybe 50% of the time.

I support the police, but I will not be in fear of them.

My two cents.

On Cops, they usually only ask if you have a weapon when they determine you are up to no good and are going to search the car for drugs, stolen merchandise, etc. If you are getting a routine speeding ticket with no search involved, I don’t see the need, but if it goes beyond that, you should alert them.

I dont offer the CCW just because I was pulled over. The only time I’ve ever even mentioned it is when the pistol is semi-visible between the seat and the counsol for some reason and not on my person. That way, they don’t freak out when they see it.

But if it’s on my person, they’re not going to see it, so I dont bring it up. I’ve never been searched or patted down simply for speeding, so that shouldn’t be an issue.

I haven’t been pulled over in more than 10 years, but I can’t imagine handing over my CC permit without cause.

If the officer asked me to step out of the vehicle or asked if he could search, I’d probably give him the permit and say “Just so we don’t have any surprises, officer.” before getting out of the car.

Otherwise, why bring it up?

Check your state laws. In Ohio, if you have a concealed carry permit and have a gun in the car, you are required to inform the officer, even if you are the passenger. You can probably find out your individual state requirements at

It is required by law in Texas.. If a CHL licensee is carrying a handgun and is asked for ID by an officer, it is also required present your CHL.

And when they radio in your DL# for the wants & warrants check they’re going to find out that you have a CCW anyways. I’d rather they already knew it from me.

Yes. And in Ohio, if you are driving a vehicle that is registered in your own name, the license plate will have already brought up the information that you are a CC permit bearer. Not immediately informing the officer, who probably already knows, may make you look as if you are hiding something. Even if you aren’t. (Also good to know if anyone else drives your vehicle!)

Look up the laws in your state as already mentioned upthread and go with what the Law states. If for some reason a routine traffic stop turns into the patrolman asking you to step out of the vehicle, and you did not show them your CC license and you are carrying. The patrolman may get a little nervous if he spots your sidearm.

That’s what I was thinking, might they know even from your registration plate (assuming you’re driving your own vehicle) as the police in the UK have a little check on your MOT and insurance when pulling you over too.

Thanks for the replies. Hope the officers on the board drop by.

Sorry can’t help you. In New Jersey pretty much the only ones who carry are police officers who inform you right away and criminals who don’t.