Trane heating/ airconditioning units

So it looks as if my husband and I will be needing to replace our heating and air conditioning unit this year. It’s an older (15 years old) heat pump and didn’t work terribly well this winter – the place was never really warm and our power bills were horrible – and it’s not looking like it cools any better than it heated. This is the first home we’ve ever owned with central heating and cooling, so we’re planning on getting some estimates and doing some research before we buy, of course. First thing I did was call several places and set up appointments to get estimates. One of the places I called was Trane, because I recognized the name. I also called the people who had installed and serviced the unit we have currently as well as several other local places. The Trane people had some requirements for our appointment that raised some red flags with me. First of all, they require that my husband and I both be present at the appointment. Also, that we block out at least an hour and a half for their presentation. And, they’re sending over a “respresentative,” which I assume means professional saleman. The other places are just sending over a repairperson to check out our situation, make a recommendation and give us a price. The Trane thing sounds like a setup for a hard-sell, time-share condo or Kirby vacuum-esque kind of scenario. Does anybody have any experience with the Trane company? Do I need to hide my wallet before I let them in the door?

We’ve got a Trane but sure didn’t have to go through all that. What a hassle. Our condensor coils had to be replaced after only about 7 years. The coils apparently had some quality problems in the past but they’re suppossed to be better now.

I know people who work for Trane. (HQ is here in LaCrosse, WI)
Trane is the leading producer of industrial/commercial climate control systems. (don’t say air conditioning, since the units typically cool water which then cools the air, the units are called “chillers”)

I do know thier commercial sales people have engineering degrees.

But I don’t know much about thier residential units and/or sales people.

I am also in the process of replacing our 20 year old unit. I did as much research on the product side as possible and can tell you Trane seems to be a decent product. Consumer Reports and their ilk can’t teally evaluate HVAC like they can other products because there are so many variables, eg., type of house (ranch vs. two story) , insulation quality of differing houses, long life of the product, etc.

I think that the residential Trane units are probably sold by a franchisee and it sounds like this one is hard core sales outfit. If you are interested in the Trane, contact a different Trane retailer and see if you get the same routine.

FWII, I ended up buying a Bryant. Why? It is made by Carrier and comes at about 2/3 the cost — made in the same factory, just doesn’t have the marketing oomph and some bells and whistles that aren’t core to the operation that come with a Carrier. I get the same basic product and the same warranty. Manufacturers often manufacture several brands at the same facilities. Different names allow them to capture the whole market not just high end or low end and allow them to maximize production. You get the same basic product

Sounds like they are just being more honest than they need to be. They dont want to have to come out a second time and explain everything to the other spouse ( thats why they want you both present). They probably wont take the allotted 1.5 hours (1.5 being the worst case scenario). Trane has an excellent rep in the commercial industry so I wouldnt think twice about the meeting.
If you do encounter a hard-sell, simply look at your watch and say “Well, the other company should be here any minute to give us their estimate”. And then show them to the door.

Trane sells its residential units through independent distributors, so I’d expect sales approaches to vary.

If manhattan and I correct, and you are interested in Trane, call another Trane retailer. The one you talked to is probably an unhappy experience waiting to happen.

There are many good products often sold by hard methods in a slow economic environment. Any company will need a presentation to explain/market it’s product to even a smart buyer. A hard sell degrades everyone in my opinion.

Hold out for someone who has a good product who fits what you need, i.e., someone who listens to you and explains how their products takes care of you.

Oh. And you can find a list of authorized Trane dealers here.