I just got a new computer and I am looking into transferring all of my mp3’s and such from my old computer. I’ve done this once before with a serial cable (different computers) and I know that this can be a SLOW SLOW process. I would have done this anyway but I seem to have lost the requisite cable. It occurs to me now that this might be done easier and faster using a USB-to-USB connection instead of the serial connection; so if I have to buy a new cable I’d like to use the more effective option.
Is this possible?
Is it possible if one computer has the older version USB port and the other has the new?
Would I just need a USB to USB cable?
Any help is appreciated, especially if you know of a better or cheaper way to get the job done.
A USB file transfer cable is a pretty decent way of establishing a temporary connection between a couple machines without administering a network connection, and is a handy thing to have lying around. I picked up one at Fry’s for, IIRC, not much more than $10 a couple years ago. It came with the appropriate drivers, and a copy of pc-link. Prices on cnet seem to run more like $20-40, but it’s still a handy thing to have. Here’s what you want:
The easiest, by far, way to do this is to just take the hard drive out of the old computer, jumper it to “slave” instead of “master”, and plug it into the new computer.
I believe you’d need a special cable for USB networking, and you’d probably still not be happy with the transfer speed.
You are probably right LordVor but the mixture of my squeamishness and a broken right hand keeps me from delving into the guts of my computers right now. I think I will go with the USB transfer cable, it will come in handy when my girlfriend gets her laptop… I think I can live with the speeds. This [url=http://www.iogear.com/products/product.php?Item=GUN161]one is only $30 and gets up to 6 Mbps, if it turns out to be only half that I will be happy.
If both PCs have a standard enternet network port a CAT5 transfer cable will link the PCs without a hub and only runs $5-$6 or so and is considerably faster than a USB 1.1 connection.
Just so were clear CAT 5 is simply the wire spec. For a standard enternet cable to work PC to PC without a hub it has to be a “crossed” cable as you indicated. These crossed transfer cables are about the same price as a regular ethernet cable of the same length and are normally much less expensive than USB transfer cables.