Transsexual-Intersexualism The Truth Between My God And I

No, it’s not powerful. I’m about as friendly to LGBTQ rights as you can get and I my brain still stopped following after about 500 words (or, alternatively, the second paragraph). It’s almost the definition of TL;DR. Nobody is going to read that crap. There’s an art to saying what you have to say in a concise, easily-accessible manner. You might want to practice it. And when people tell you “I’m not going to read what you have to say because my brain shuts off due to the writing style”, you might want to take it into consideration. I have no idea what you’re on about. Care to offer a shorter version? Like, maybe a 3-4 sentence summary? Something with less than 200 words?

It’s rambling and difficult to read, it’s making people scratch their heads because you’re pasting walls of text instead of making a concise argument.

Try pairing it down a bit so we can read it.

Please recognize that few are as invested in this topic as you and I. They need to be introduced to your thesis in a gradual and concise manner, which has a clear flow of ideas.

It’s just your opinion, my article is facts, and people are going to talk nonsense about other people, its what makes oppression or the oppressor go around.

I felt no pain, its just in your imagination:) Thanks though

I’ve got zero sympathy for organized religion and their nutty ideas about human sexuality, but screed-wading is tiresome. I second the suggestion for you to reformat your essay in a more coherent manner.

Can you summarize the main point of your article in less than 500 words? If not, most people won’t care. It’s not oppression, it’s you failing at writing. Which is a shame because you’re obviously passionate about something I care about. But it’s written in a way that makes it aggressively difficult and painful to read.

Trust me, I’ve had A LOT OF PEOPLE read my article, and they LOVE(d) IT AND WERE AMAZED how I make religion look so stupid in many of their inconsistent ways and scriptures!:slight_smile: The reason why your blood stop flowing to your head is because you’re so sensitive and want things your way and don’t have much patience- You sound like a quitter in life. Not everyone writes like you, and yes there are many styles and ways of writing, so don’t close up. You don’t like my style, its okay, but you’re going to miss out on a lot of good information. I never had anyone tell me they’re not going to read my article, and don’t waste your time telling me so:) No I will not revise my article for one person, maybe in the near future, if I feel like it, for many:)

Good luck, then.

So many band names, so little time.

Perhaps you could make things easier to follow by making a youtube video and not posting it.

…Yeah, okay. Welcome to SDMB. Hope that if you make a second thread, you learn how paragraphs work.


Welcome to the Straight Dope Message Board. I hope you’ll find a home for yourself here and participate in many threads on diverse subjects.

One thing I want to get out there right away, on the SDMB we do not allow posters to insult other posters outside of the BBQ Pit forum. The above quoted post could easily be construed that way. I’m going to just tell you about it this time, but further insults or posts that violate our rules can result in warnings. Sufficient warnings can lead to a revocation of your posting privileges. No one wants that.

Again, welcome aboard and I hope you enjoy your stay here.

Jonathan Chance
Great Debates

Are you seeing what is going on here Mr. Jonattan? but okay, whatever… whatever makes 1 person feel comfortable. I’ll just let people insult me and won’t waste my time responding , if it make one person feel better, geez.

I wasn’t talking to you. But I’m glad you’re ok, I don’t want anyone to be hurting. :slight_smile:

On the other hand, in the Registration Agreement we find the following:

If you would like to pick a single topic and discuss or debate it, you are welcome. However, posting long screeds is not appropriate. Further, using this message board to drive business to your blog is not appropriate.

This thread is closed. If you wish to pick a serious single topic for debate, you may do so in a different thread.

[ /Moderating ]