Aside from really having a bug up your backside on the Catholic notion of the Eucharist, you are sadly displaying a serious lack of knowledge regarding the philosophical underpinnings of the concept of transubstantiation and a genuine ignorance of Catholic consideration of science.
Now, I am not a big defender of transubstantiation (as it requires me to wear my Aristotelian hat, which always sits lopsided on my head), but if one is going to argue against it, it behooves one to understand the differences between Aristotelian metaphysics and epistemology and current science (or even Aristotelian physics).
We’ll see how this goes, but if you can’t demonstrate a bit better grasp of your subject matter, I’m moving your rant to the Pit.
Now, I sadly confess to being one of your hated papists, A S. But I will point out that this thread was actually moved (while I composed my response) by my fellow Moderator who, as it happens, is himself an atheist who has expressed certain (better informed) criticisms of religion and religious belief on several occasions.
As one of the hated papists, I did not want to move it in a manner that would be considered prejudicial to the “discussion” until it had leaped off the rails.
Mike could be more objective.
Since you appear to measure all things by (what is, I suspect, your rather limited view of) science, I see no reason to waste my time.
Aristotelian metaphysics are clearly not science. The RCC does not claim that it is a scientific explanation (and under Aristotelian metaphysics, the accidents should appear to every scientific test as bread and wine–that is the whole point of distinguishing substance from accident).
Go read a text on philosophy: I recommend Stumpf’s From Socrates to Sartre as a decent layman’s primer.
I would to see anyone defend transubstatiation as anything more than unsubstaniated metaphysical bullshit. Can you present any evidence to support that transubstatiation is real?
In the unlikely event the infinite monkeys banging around in the vast open spaces of your cranium manage to fling some bit of poo worthy of a thoughtful response into one of your posts, you’ll get such a response.
To date, I have yet to see you post anything worthy of being used to wipe the ass of a diseased camel.