Hard to tell as studios sometimes try to either hide profits (when the government is looking) or sit around and boast about it (when the stockholders are looking).
Plus, profits for who?
How much has Fox made from SW and Paramount from ST?
How much Lucas has made from SW and Roddenberry from ST?
Then of course there is the ever popular and oh so fun adjusting for inflation.
Here’s a site for the adjusted (for 2002) grosses of the movies.
Star Wars 5 films at almost $3bil. are about 3X what Star Trek Movies have made. In fact, even the poorest performer (Clones) performed better than two of the Star Trek movies combined http://www.boxofficemojo.com/alltime/adjusted/
I have no idea what the Syndication of (all) the Star Trek series have brought in, but giving the franchises equal merchandsing income (-which I seriously doubt : I am fairly sure SW is substantially more, but for the sake of this arguement say it was a wash) was the ST syndication $$ enough to make up the difference of circa $2billion?
I’d have to say that it’s Star Wars, based solely on the toys. Nerds own Trek toys (mostly plastic do-it-yourself models of the various Enterprises). All kids own Star Wars toys, ranging from action figures to several styles of full-size lightsabers to dancing electronic R2D2s to Lego sets.
I don’t think the OP’s question is specific enough.
I mean, most successful for who exactly? Their respective creators, Roddenberry and Lucas? The studios and production houses alone? Do we add the toy companies’ profits in as a net gross?
When it comes to the gross gross of monies moved per “franchise”, I think Star Trek wins.
I think the sum of every commercial dollar paid to local TV stations worldwide for TOS reruns for the last 33+ years likely outstrips Star Wars movie and toy revenue, alone. Am I off here?
Ok according to Shatner in “GET A LIFE” He was informed by aramount that Trek’s merchandising and licencing over the last thirty odd years has netted… hold on to your hats… You holding them… 50 Billion dollars.
50 Billion… I think, if those numbers are remotely true Trek wins hands down.
In the basement of the house of the guy who threw the Halloween party I went to. Sorry if that’s not very helpful, but I’m not sure where he got it. It was voice-activated, which I’m told actually works pretty well when it’s not in the middle of a party. You say things like “Hey Artoo! Go on patrol”, and he’d start roaming around (with collision avoidance), or “Hey Artoo! Dance program”, and he’d start into this little dance to the Cantina Band tune.