"Trilogy of Terror" Doll vs. "Twilight Zone" Talking Tina

Who would win in a battle of two of the most hilariously terrifying dolls in TV history? The Zuni Fetish Doll that chased cross-eyed Karen Black, in all her voluptuous horror, through her chic career gal apartment? Or Talking Tina, who did in a pre-Kojak Telly Savalas?

Seems to me that Talking Tina could arrange accidents. But the Fetish Doll was armed.

Yeah, but Talking Tina was a planner. And seemingly unkillable. The Zuni Fetish Doll was only capable of running around brandishing a spear and yelling “yanni yanni yanni!”

Plus, Telly Savalas was a much more formidible opponent than Karen Black, who didn’t even have sense enough to just leave the goddam apartment.

I bank on Tina.

True. But the ZFD seemed ‘unkillable’ too. I was going to post that TT was a planner, and that the ZFD was a fighter. ZFD would be attacking all the time, and TT would ahve to do some quick thinking to maneuver the ZFD into a poor position. Maybe trick it into going into the oven or something. But then, ZFD would ultimately win. :wink:

Talky Tina = June Foray
June Foray = the second greatest cartoon voice actor. (still working too)
She was Granny, Betty Rubble, Witch Hazel, and most famously Rocky J Squirrel.

Zuni Fetish doll was only Walker Edmiston.

I’ll give the edge to Talky Tina as she would appear to be allied to a vast army of talking dolls* and powerful cartoon allies.

Jim {Silly isn’t he!}

  • June Foray was the voice for many classic talking dolls.

They would both fall before the terrible power of the most fearsome doll of all! (link)

Hokey Smokes! :eek:

Talky Tina wasn’t Serling’s only doll, however.

Anyone remember “The Doll” Night Gallery episode? Scared the shit out of me, I tell ya.

That Talking Tina was one evil little scary bitch. I don’t really think that there is much that can beat her because she can hide among things easily and her powers seem to come from another place. You can’t even destroy her.

The only one I would even take Las Vegas odds on against Talking Tina is Chuckie and my money is still on Talking Tina. Chuckie is all about show just like Zuni even if their brute force tactics get a body count but Talking Tina is more subtle yet impervious.

You could be up against Talking Tina and then try to grind her to pieces and then hop a plane overseas for good measure. You are on the plane finally feeling relief when you go to the lavatory and Talking Tina is sitting there by the sink. She introduces herself and then you here the planes engines go silent…

Man, I though you meant Chucky, but that was far more scary.

Aaaack! It’s Tammy Faye Bakker!!


“I am tired of this motherfucking Talking Tina in this motherfucking house !”

Sam Jackson needs to do a Scary doll movie.