Wow! I just cracked the first triple yolk egg that I’ve ever seen in my entire life. My eggs come from this little shop that serves as an outlet for a poultry farm in California’s central valley. I like to buy their super jumbo eggs because almost all of them have double yolks. At $2.[sup]39[/sup] for a flat of 20, they are cheaper and more fresh than anything I can get at the supermarket.
I was making some poached eggs for brunch when, lo and behold, out popped a triple yolk from one of the eggs. I was amazed and completely glad to be eating this specimen of ovoid fecundity. Why you ask?
Try to imagine three chicks all confined in one little eggshell.
“Hey you! Get’cher beak outta my tailfeathers!”
Methinks I did them a favor.
Has anyone else ever seen a triple yolk egg before? Feel free to post your favorite food oddities as well.
When I was a kid, we always kept a few hens. They were really more for insect control and pets than egg producers. One of them used to throw out a double-yolked egg every now and then, and I think we did also get a triple-yolked one.
We used to find shell-less eggs too. They were really weird. They had the inner membrane, but not the calcified shell. We had to be quick to find them, otherwise the chickens or the dog would eat them.
I also pulled up a carrot shaped like a hand. It was a small town - my mom took me down to the newspaper, and they published my picture.
My parents planted a bunch of carrots in small planters, bunched up. When we pulled them out, they were twisted together, and from the right angle bore a striking resemblance to Cthulhu.
Kind of creepy, since I had an introductory game of Call of Cthulhu the day before.
I haven’t encountered a triple yolk yet, but some time ago I made some fried eggs. First egg, double yolk. second egg, double yolk, third egg, double yolk. That was really strange. It was a 6-pack of eggs, when I used the other ones I saw one more double yolk. 4 out of 6 isnt too bad.
I found a yellow, thick fingernail (or toenail, not sure which but I didn’t look at it long enough to decide) clipping at the bottom of a can of baked beans once, but I don’t think that’s quite the sort of story you are looking for.
Love spell: Serve a triple-yolked egg to someone you’re enamoured with, scrambled or otherwise cooked. They’ll find you irresistable.
So I’ve heard.
The hollow-soda stories remind me of when I was little; there was a couple of those liquor-filled candies in my mom’s jewelery box, and every time I went in there for anything I always told myself one day I was gonna take one.
One day came, and I grabbed one and ran to my room, opened it and bit into it. It was full of…
Actually, I’m 99% sure that the yolk is the food; the white–albumen–is what turns into the cute little chick. So what you would’ve had, had the egg been fertilized and hatched, was (maybe) one really fat chick. Still, this doesn’t detract from your discovery at all; I can only hope something that cool happens to me sometime.
I hope this reassures those of us who like our yolks runny. (I know, I know, salmonella. I eat cookie dough, too. )
I once got a bottle of Sprite that had a strong bitter flavour. If you’ve ever had a dandelion stem in your mouth you know the flavour. I took a big swig and then did a classic Danny Thomas-style spit take. I don’t know what the hell was in that bottle.
I once opened a can of pork and beans, it was nothing but the juice and one bean. Van Camps sent me a coupon for 6 free cans. Another time I bought a box of store brand frosted flakes. The box contained about 3 inches of the sugar coating and about 2 inches of frosted flakes. I didn’t get a reply when I sent in my complaint.