Troll-like Questions

Dear lord, what have I wrought? I’m headed to hell for this alone.

bjOrn, that post makes far more sense than anything you have said here. Congratulations.

“The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.” - Humphrey Bogart

im glad you understand it :wink:


Dammit hoo fixd th’ thred? Nau i gotta go n skroo it up uhgen.

I was trying to come up with something as stupid as the guy who posted the lyrics to some long rap song with no explanation – but sorry, I couldn’t.

(CowGod – Smurfette didn’t put out, THAT’s why they were all blue!)

UncleBeer, the reason you understood it is that it was cribbed from an email making the rounds last spring.

That being said, it still is a knee-slapper.

Say, I was looking at a globe today and noticed that most of the landmasses are north of the equator, so what keeps the planet from flipping over anyway?

Why is it that Unitedstatesians think there soooo special that they can reserve the name American for themselves. America is the name of a landmass, one of the 14 continents on the planet and besides their are alot of other countries on the continent America. America is not the name of the country ok? The name of the country is the United States of America and the people should be called Unitedstatesians. Everbody who lives on America should be able to call themselves Americans like Canadans and Spanish people to for instance.

They say that Christ died for my sins. Yet I wasn’t born when he was crucified. As a matter of fact it can’t be proven he was crucified because there are different accounts in the Bible. It may have gotten all mixed up anyway when it went from translation to translation to translation.
Now I don’t know anything about the minor religions, like Islam, Hebrew or Wiccan, but if everyone was right, everyone would have the same story. Right?

If you know the answer, please e-mail me.

Everybody here thinks they are so smart but they are not because I (sp?) asked a qestion in the pit about where does the writing go when my techer cleans the black board but no/one knows so you all pointed at me and lauhged. but maybe becuase if you knew i would go to colledge and be a writer, arent you? but i dont care

If you’re hot, that’s good.
If you’re cool, that’s good.

I don’t get it.

someonexplan time pardockes caues i got a essay (5pages0 that i gotta right PLEASE HEPL ME OR ILL KILL YOU!!!

<5 minutes later>
cmonguys i knowyou know so answer and dont be smrtass or ill call you a dumbass so there HAHAHAHA!!!

(Oh dear god… This is going to happen any day now, isn’t it?)

SanibelMan – The Man From Sanibel
“I like Florida; everything is in the eighties. The temperatures, the ages, and the IQs.”
– George Carlin

Oo! Oo! I got one!

if i say somthing to someoone and they say “FUck you” do i realy have to do it?

To which I reply: “Yes”.

OMG!!! I don’t think I have laughed so hard in a long long time. I ended up crying! Seems like nobody likes the lame and the halt. I COULDN’T agree more. This is the best post I have seen yet. I guess I will be more careful with my proofreading from now on.


That which a man had rather were true he more readily believes.

I think J string wins this little competition for the side scroll stunt.

Now, let us never speak of this again.

“The problem with the world is that everyone is a few drinks behind.” - Humphrey Bogart

HEY wait1! WHat,s a troll? and can you speak louder cuz theyres a lot of carrs goin over that bridgeup there.

Hey! Just because you don’t like today’s music is no reason to say the music died. What makes you think you’re so great that you can say there’s a day the music died? That is ignorant!