Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

High-jacking the troll-thread to chit-chat with the poster you just tried to claim was too easy to insult is not going to make you seem like less of a troll and fool.

Thank you.

What do you mean, too easy to insult? I said I’d feel too bad about it to insult him. I’m not really into insulting people, I’ll leave you all to your usual trolling.

WTF does this mean?

I have been nothing but unfailingly polite!

Only big strong conservative men join the army; if AyeAyeAndy is as liberal as he acts on the Dope, he is undoubtedly an effeminate and wimpy shrimp of a man. Why else would he want government to provide a basic safety net, or to not mistreat trans people?

/sarcasm obviously

Yeah, that was the impression I got.

Lol. Sounds like you have issues. More like the US likes to start wars and invade other countries (and the UK is always 1st in line to help :angry:), so why would you want to sign up to go kill Iraqis?

Did you miss the sarcasm tag, or are you being intellectually dishonest again?

I thought that was the view you were attributing to me. Is that not what you meant?

Or you’re just not familiar with the joke that ideas you attribute to other people say something about you?

What does it say about you that you think trans women are just pretending so they can get on sports teams or are perverts who get off on the idea of being women?

Option B, then. :smirk:

He writes, too. Writes fucking words! Ha-ha. Real men like Donald Trump can barely READ fucking words!

True warriors write poetry.


I slew my quota of Commies for Mommies. I predate this sissy stuff with middle eastern tinpots and tribal malcontents: we fought our proxy wars against serious world-shattering peer adversaries. And sometimes, just sometimes, for the greater glory profitability of United Fruit.

Well, I mean, he was a sub-mariner. There’s a reason we prefer not to let those people see the light of day.

What, the little ankle wings?

As far as I can tell, @DemonTree talks a big talk about how everyone needs to be free to express themselves, even in potentially hurtful ways, so that ideas can be challenged. But, when push comes to shove, she gets more offended for smaller things than the people she chastises for being offended, and tends to only listen to posters who happen to agree with her on something. They can even call other posters racist for disagreeing, something she says she hates, but she’ll side with them and start pushing the same ideas they do.

Not that this is a remotely unique thing. It’s true of basically anyone who uses freedom of speech as a crutch to defend their own arguments, or to try and say that bigotry should be without consequence.

She may be from the UK, but her arguments tend to be the same ones that Republicans (particularly the Trumplican variety) make over here.

She’s also a transphobe, of course. But, since she can’t quite grasp that bigotry is wrong and deserves to be punished, she also can’t grasp why being scared of trans people and using sports or whatever to excuse attacking them when they’ve done nothing whatsoever to harm her ever is such a horrible thing.

But she is in the UK, where you have the right wing transphobes on one side, and TERFs on the other. For some stupid reason, UK feminists latched heavily onto transphobia. She’s been surrounded by bigoted fear mongering about them. And, since she has issues understanding what bigotry is or why bigots should face consequences, she’s had no reason to pull herself out of it.

I wish she would use this place as a way to understand things from a perspective beyond that, and understand why those of us who actually know trans people know they’re not a threat. That those of us who know the issues know that a man faking being a trans women is extremely unlikely.

It would be great for the cisgender woman to understand that trans rights aren’t and never will be about her.

And just how is she a troll?