Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

Did you miss the whole part where I argued she was disingenuous? Or did you miss all the people who are mad at her for her disingenuousness?

A disingenuous poster who pisses people off is a troll.

She is not being disingenuous. She is not arguing that the speed of light nor the theory of relativity is wrong. There are no correct and provable scientific answers to the transgender issue. Those are her opinions. You do understand that this is a place where people discuss and debate issues, right? Please lets not go all 12th century and excommunicate and banish anyone whose opinions arent perfectly aligned with the proper orthodox opinions.

Is that what BigT is proposing? That we lobby Congress to pass legislation bringing back banishment and coming up with a civil excommunication procedure? Of course, if we’re talking about racist, transphobic troll @DemonTree, they’ve already been banished. If you believe what they write on the internet.

I take back “harmless”. He’s even stupider than we thought:

Now we see why he was banned from other boards.

I can believe he wrote the last 6 words… The rest has to be copy/pasted from something… It has punctuation and everything!

There 100% is. The subject is scientifically studied.

However, AGAIN, the part of my post calling her disingenuous was not about the trans issue. It was about her position on freedom of speech and how no one should get upset, then getting upset about it herself.

Please do not continue to engage in a disingenuous manner by arguing against things I did not say. That’s called a strawman.

In the UK trans people’s human rights are already protected by the Equality Act. What they are fighting for now is to take rights away from women. This is why there is a bigger ‘terf’ movement in the UK than in the US where the laws are pretty backward about all this stuff.

@BigT, I actually do know trans people, and I don’t for a minute think any of them are a threat. You’re very arrogant assuming I have less experience than you, or haven’t researched a subject I clearly have an interest in. You don’t understand why your arguments aren’t working? It’s because you need to listen and not just talk. You introspect, and you write your essays, and all the while you completely miss the point.

It is about me when campaigners try to take rights away from women: the right to single sex spaces, safe and fair sports, to political representation, the right to talk about our own experiences and to campaign for our own rights as a political group. And yes, the right to free speech that they are working hard to deny everybody.

I don’t agree with the approved orthodox opinions of BigT, and have the temerity to say so.

There is some evidence. But since it mostly supports my position, bringing it up merely results in more cries of bigot and heretic and transphobe. One of the primary aims of transgender campaigning groups is to end the collection of data and to ban honest reporting, as well as to block any scientific research that doesn’t support their favoured ideas.

If you’re talking about DA, it’s the other way around. I supported him because I read the thread and think he is right in his arguments; before that I had no opinion on the subject. He shouldn’t have called other posters racist, but I’m not going to change my view because the person making the argument behaves badly. That doesn’t change the facts.

And I don’t think I’ve ever said people shouldn’t get offended. That’s natural. I said free exchange of ideas is important to a healthy society and we should try to support that.

Normally I skip over the name-calling, but this deserves it’s own reply. Bigotry is an attitude, a belief, so you are literally talking about punishing thought crime here. I sure as hell don’t like misogynists, but I don’t think you or anyone should be punished just for a belief. Do you?

PS. I saw in the other thread about your mother and I’m sorry for your loss. If you need to take a break then that’s okay.

No they’re not. This is the lie you keep telling yourself and others to justify your cowardice, bigotry and moral bankruptcy, just like the lie about how we only call you a “bigot” and “transphobe” because you “don’t agree with the approved orthodox opinions” rather than because you demonstrate those traits on a regular basis.

So you keep on telling yourself whatever you need to to live with yourself, while you continue to advocate views that demonize transwomen. And we’ll keep on pointing out the truth about what you are.

A nice combination of “They’re trying to silence the truth!” and “I’m the real victim here!”. Welcome to the same argument as Trump supporters, anti-vaxxers and 9/11 truthers.

:roll_eyes: I listed the rights they’ve taken away. You saying black is white doesn’t make it so.

Like I said, there is some evidence. Want to see it?

They’ve only been “taken away” from women if you believe transwomen aren’t women, transphobe.

We may be watching a cultish descent in real time. His algorithm-driven Googling is taking him farther down into the junk which he is uncritically absorbing since he’s not together enough to be critical.

Agree w @Kron a couple posts later in this thread that rboyce didn’t write any of that, but he sure swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. I predict within a year we’ll be hearing from him about lizard people, then Antifa taking over the country.

The thin veneer of affable fool has worn off, revealing the inner anti-science asshole.

You guys don’t know comedy. He’s hilarious!
Take this thread:

He’s talking about using coffee filters for masks not quite having figured out the logistics. Defends their use a few times, makes other off the wall mask comments. Then finally the punchline

Allowing women who happen to be trans access to the same facilities as you doesn’t take away your right to a single sex space. It allows them access to the correct space for their gender. But you are a transphobic bigot, so in your mind allowing trans women into women’s spaces allows men into single sex spaces. This is what makes you a bigot.

Until you realize this, your whining has about as much moral standing as a white person whining about being forced to use the same drinking fountains as black people.

You should definitely post your evidence, in its own thread ideally.

DON’T FEED THE TROLLS IN THIS THREAD! It’s a public health hazard! Just look at all the fertilizer mucking up the last 24 hours of posting.

I can understand sniping at them when they show up, but if you reply with multiple paragraphs of arguments, you’re not much better than a troll. Work on your fucking self control!

That is one of his many threads you can find spammed elsewhere on the internet (not the part where he then says he uses an N95 mask himself, but the opening post about coffee filters as a mask). It’s also one of the reasons early on I was convinced he was a bot.

But maybe he’s just a troll.

Anyway, the avatar is a dead giveaway that something’s not right. As is yours, btw. Whose sock are you really?

Bots are smarter than that.