Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

Got his whole trolly post taken down along with the responses. Nice whitewashing, 'Dope!

You have to marvel at the mindset that thinks “Gangs of people who hurt other people are bad, so I’m going to get together a gang of people to murder other people” makes sense.

Preferably from a distance, to be fair.

Okay, who has their hand in the toe of this one?

Points for chutzpah in the choice of username, but not many.

Next ones will be “SockyMcsockface” and “BanhMiPleas”


Seriously, how has s/he not made it into this thread yet? I haven’t exactly been "following them (quite the opposite), but they’ve been a one-person wrecking crew in at least three pretty contentious threads that I know of off the top of my head (Portland black-bagging, “Is it racist to label people by race?”, and the troll-born “Why do we have to put up with religious people?”). I won’t link to the threads because no specific post of theirs stands out, just their overall pattern of posting, and I don’t want to link to the thread as a whole because I’d had to see this thread get linked to the thread-starter.

And they are soooo prolific lately.

I put him in the same category (albeit in different areas of discussion) as people like @SayTwo and @octopus. I’m not sure if they are trolls or simply dumbfucks who constantly derail threads with their stupidity. Now I just consider them “ignored”, which is pretty blissful.

Kearsen wouldn’t be so bad if k9bfriender and iiiiandyiii would stop taking the bait.
Just about every time a thread goes off the rails those two are nearby.

You got the i’s wrong! 2 i’s, then andy, then 4 i’s. Get it right! :wink:

Note taken.

I imagine it’s safe to say that no one will ever mistake civility for one of your many strong suits.

I mean, isn’t that kind of the definition of a troll? They wouldn’t be “so bad” if no one ever took the bait?

ETA: @DMC I have them on ignore too, but that only further highlights just how much of a particular thread is driven by their trolling, seeing just their user name in a quote or “hidden reply” and not getting distracted by all that text they put out as bait.

Good point. When he enters a thread to specifically call me out for his “misunderstanding” as to the meaning of my simple words, I should just let it go. When he claims that anti-racists are the real bigots, that is a statement that should be allowed to go unremarked.

I’ll just let his racism and callouts stand unchallenged. That should improve the board.

“Civility,” as commonly understood and applied as a critique of social justice causes, is overrated. It’s what racists use to pretend to the moral high ground, as if using the “right” words (or avoiding the wrong ones) makes their well-punctuated, profanity-depleted, dog-whistling manifesto about how certain people are “keeping themselves down” or being “kept down” by “the social justice warriors” a textbook treatise in civility.

ETA: Oh, and it’s what trolls like @kearsen1 use to avoid proper scrutiny.

I have no idea what you’re talking about, and clearly this thread is no place for me to participate at any rate, so let me just duck out now.

Yeah, that whole ‘civility’ bullshit. Funny how the usual suspects latched onto other explanations when Kaepernick’s rather civil protest was brought up in counterpoint.

Almost like “civility” is just an excuse to stifle dissent…

Complaining about complaining about civility is also an excuse to stifle dissent. I supported Kaepernick’s actions even before he took them, knowing fully well that some people would have any excuse to dismiss actually civil protests when they claimed they wanted civility.

But I have shied away from making tone arguments knowing that people would dismiss them as if I were lying when I was making them.

I’ve never noticed SayTwo before. Another who returned with the Board change?

I suppose, but it’s not too persuasive. Tone policing people who are already tone policing is rather different than starting out by tone policing in the first place.

If civility is really a concern, I can understand that. But to date, I have seen remarkably few cases in which people who have complained about ‘civility’ actually cared about it (including the posters in this thread). Actually, in most of those cases, the posters involved supported uncivil behavior when they happened to agree with that side.

My own take is that protest and debate are inherently uncivil. There are degrees of incivility, of course, but there is no form of protest and debate that cannot be construed as uncivil at least to some degree, whether that construction is genuine or feigned.

You should call out asshatery wherever you may find it.
You don’t have to argue the same point for dozens of posts back and forth and back and forth. I find in these instances that I’m usually on your side but after a while I’m screaming at the computer “shut up already. You’ve made your point. You’re the smart one. They don’t get it. Move on!!”

Hi! Welcome to the Pit.

You’re endangering lives with your anti-mask bullshit and your JAQing off about this deadly pandemic. Why don’t you read some better sources and stop killing people. Or, just fuck off.