Trolls R Us redux [Now the argument clinic]

Wait, what thread is this? Any chance you nice people could take your argument to another space (and time)?

Nah, just pointing out that the racist trolls are trying their damndest to make “No, U are the racist” and anti-“woke” right wing bait.

The race realists will always out themselves, they can’t help it. They’ve been playing coy for quite a while now, but they won’t be able to help themselves soon enough.

Indeed, in the reopened thread about the Virginia magnet school damurahashi goes accusing me again of being a racist, while willfully omitting that the issue is not just about Asians, but that he, and the other stooges, ignore that blacks and Hispanics are being left behind there and in other schools.

A racist is one that believes that groups of humans possess different behavioral traits corresponding to physical appearance. damuriajashi does think that blacks and Hispanics are not deserving, me and others do not think that Asians are not capable.

Not going to reply to the racist troll in that thread anymore.

No, a racist is someone who is prejudiced against someone because they are a particular race. And DamuriAjashi said many times that he’s not opposed to some kind of preference for blacks and Hispanics, but the lottery plan only gives a small boost to those groups and has a large cost for Asian kids. Why is the lottery being pushed rather than some other option? Probably because it also benefits white kids. That is the racist element.

And that only showed that you got into the discussion ignorantly missing that the lottery plan had been modified or others are in consideration.

The fact that he is still JAQing shows that he is not willing to even modify his accusations to others of being racist, as it was pointed already, others in the thread and his pit one are already aware of what damurahashi is.

Stop being a bird of feather then.

What is he?

A masculine third-person pronoun but that’s not important right now.




The stooges are doing a lot of baiting now to Left_Hand_of_Dorkness in the What is critical race theory.

The Knuckleheads still ignore that there are other more plausible reasons why a school may had a policy for instructors to not be rude to students. Blaming everything on their favorite bogeyman is to drift into conspiracy theories.

Yeah, they’re a couple of fuckin morons. I noticed that later than I should’ve, but I’m done with them now.

da is trying to play games in ATMB now. It’s a stupid tune and I won’t dance to it.

That new poster in GQ is a real coward.

Literally every single reply to this is you making up shit I didn’t say. Every single one.

Nothing you said addressed anything I said. I didn’t say anything about affirmative action. I didn’t ever argue that something is transphobic because I said so. And I sure as hell never said that women have no reason to fear men.

If my arguments are so bad, why is it that you constantly need to make up things I didn’t say? Why is your only recourse to create strawmen? Why do you have to create something that you can get all offended about, rather that what I actually said?

The thing is, I know you can do better, because you have. When you do have a counterargument, you give it.

I have half a mind to start pulling this bullshit on you. I mean, it’s not hard to make up something someone didn’t say.

Oh, so you think all men are rapists? That’s what you should be saying.

Yeah, not very convincing, now is it?

What are you talking about? I never claimed you said anything about affirmative action. You said there was no conference where black people compromised with white people over what racism is acceptable, and I am saying that is the wrong comparison, it’s a bad analogy. There is a debate about what constitutes racism, there is a debate about how best to achieve equality, and how to balance being fair to different groups. That is the equivalent to the trans discussion we were having.

And saying your argument isn’t convincing is not making up shit you didn’t say. What the actual fuck?

And the other bit is something I said you should be saying, not something you said. Stop being so dense.

As for this:

What do you think women get told when we say we fear transwomen in changing rooms/shelters/prison? “How dare you imply transwomen are all sex attackers. That’s transphobic!” It’s the exact same recycled strawman argument.

But I’m serious that you need to look at women’s fear of men, because this is the root cause of what you are seeing as transphobia.

Except that they’re not remotely the same argument. The vast majority of rapes are committed by men, so fear of men raping you is a quite justified fear. How many rapes are committed by transwomen (particularly outside of prison settings)? In fact transwomen are far, FAR more likely to be the victims of rape and violence than the perpetrators of them. So really your argument is “I am irrationally afraid of transwomen, and therefore I feel justified in further persecuting and dehumanizing people who are already being victimized.”

So you just keep telling yourself that you’re protecting women, if that helps you get through the day. But remember that “I’m persecuting you because I’m afraid of you” has been the justification used by bigots forever.

And hey - at least we’re accepting that you’re a genuine bigot, and not just a troll. Bright side and all that.

Well sure. There are a lot more men. Prison statistics show trans women have a similar offending pattern to men, so if it’s rational to fear one group, it’s rational to fear the other.

It’s possible for the same person to be very vulnerable and in need of protection, and at the same time a danger to others. Let alone lumping all members of a group together. Life does not give us easy problems with simple solutions.

Yep. As I’ve said, being scared of a minority and using that as an excuse to discriminate against them is textbook bigotry. I actually have a post I saved and never got to post which I’ll share here:

Early-ish man: I am Man. I am good. But woman over there is different than me. Yet I want to be around her. I want to make babies. SHE MUST BE DANGEROUS!! She must be trying to seduce me, to take over. I must try and control her. I must make her my property, physically abuse her if she disobeys, and keep her from doing the things I don’t want! Only then will I be safe.

White man: I am white. I am good. But black person over there have different skin than me. They have a different culture than mine. THEY MUST BE DANGEROUS!! They must be out to take our women, to cause anarchy, to dumb us all down! They must be thieves and criminals! We must protect ourselves by enslaving them, whipping and lynching them, separating them from us, discriminating against them, and controlling them. Only then will we be safe!

Straight man: I am straight. I am good. But gay person over there likes different gender than I do. They reject “traditional marriage”! THEY MUST BE DANGEROUS! They must be out to convert our children, to create sexual debauchery, to destroy our marriages. We must ridicule them, discriminate against them, physically abuse them, keep them separate from us and our children. Only then will we be safe!

Conservative cisgender person: I am “normal.” I am good. But trans person over there has different genitals than me! THEY MUST BE DANGEROUS!! They must be perverts, out to harm our children. They must be only pretending to get in bed with us and turn us gay! They must be mentally ill and thus dangerous. We must protect ourselves by discriminating against them, trying to erase them by saying they can’t exist, assaulting them.

Gender critical feminist: I am a feminist. I am good. But trans woman over there has different genitals than me. THEY MUST BE DANGEROUS!! They must be men, secretly trying to undermine feminism and women’s rights! We must protect ourselves by discriminating against them, trying to erase them.

See the pattern here? It’s all the same. None of these fears are justified. These people are not DANGEROUS. Just like the others, trans women aren’t undermining feminism. Again, most feminists accept trans people, while still fighting for women’s rights.

It’s the same story over and over. It didn’t work before, so why do you keep trying it? Why can’t you sympathize with people who are different than you? Why didn’t you learn what the rest of us did about bigotry?

Indeed. And there are certainly those who should take such messages to heart.