Trolls R Us Resurrections


I used to think that too, but I now think the validation gained by any polite response outweighs the rebuttal.

…and sometimes we’re far too lenient.

Those are both evidence for trollhood, not against. Especially the latter. Idiots usually argue in their own threads. Trolls avoid responding much.

And no one is idiotic enough to believe tar roofs are responsible for global warming.

The latest evidence removes any doubt.

Why pick just one:

This is almost comical. If they stuck to the global warming and methhead sister crap, it would be. But the dabbling in racism makes it completely unfunny.

What is a troll though? If I’m just trying to get feedback and information, how can that be a bad thing?

curiosity may have killed the cat, but knowledge brought it back.

Fuck off, troll.

come on man, that’s not nice. Stay posted for more of my musings.

I doubt you last the week, troll. Until then, eat shit and fuck off.

Why are you the one who is trolling me then?

No, U !

Introspection is key in order to maintain unbinding glee,
Conquering the world without people’s captivation, is your only step to avoid other’s bad intentions .
If you don’t approach life with absolute provocation Life is not worth living–, don’t predicate on winning.

have a poem I wrote a few days ago.

Have a finger.

I’ll shove it up your bum then make you lick it. It’s the longest one I assume, it’ll be nice and delicious.

I have a poem for you:


Your creativity is truly beautiful. I honestly don’t have time for any of this.

True, you have been unfailingly polite.

Or you could just go start a blog.

And yet here you are.

what’s so wrong about talking about my mother’s relationship with her daughter? It’s something that upsets me. Why are you picking on me about this? All I wanted was some advice.

And all Mike wanted was a Pepsi. Sometimes things just don’t work out the way we intended.

“Meanwhile, Aunt Martha was found outside, laying in a ditch.”

I’m going with @wolfpup 's interpretation: fucking moron. I’m willing to give a little slack however. But only a little. Not necissarily a troll–yet.

Yeah, I think we have ourselves a trollish sock. I can practically hear the giggling.