Trolls R Us Resurrections

Ben Gazi! We could have paradropped minimotorcycles and shit and saved all those people!

Notre Dame, they should have airdropped thousands of gallons of water on it and put the fire out with no negative effects on the structure.

If it was holy water, it would have done miraculous things.

Holy water only works if it’s consecrated. I hear they have a place for that in Paris, but unfortunately it was on fire at the time.

I have one and he’s a “lawyer”. I just couldn’t stomach his take on civil liberties any more. My blood pressure thanks me.

I forgot about this. :rofl:

Saying something stupid occasionally is something we all do.

Saying something stupid and then doubling down on it over and over and over again takes a special level of pigheadedness. That’s what made that whole Benghazi thing so memorably idiotic.

I forgot about those!

To be fair, it might be slightly less damaging (and therefore maybe slightly less idiotic) if you swapped his brilliant ideas, and paradropped a bunch of motorcycles into Notre Dame, and water-bombed the Benghazi Embassy with thousands of gallons of water. Or possibly, parachuted the famously lethal Dr. Fauci into the Benghazi compound. Dr. Anthony “The Terminator” Fauci would know just what to do.

I’m starting to think he should go on mine. It’s not just that he’s an asshole, it’s that he goes on and on and on and on with his douchbaggery.

thescrr is back with a new thread /t/wives-that-have-lots-of-guy-friends-or-vice-versa/970484

Broken link of course. But they’re quite clear that it’s totally, totally MIKE PENCE level inappropriate for it to happen unless you (the spouse) is there or it’s a business event. OMFG, the 60s called and the want their troll back.

If you’re referring to West Virginia’s dumbest, he hasn’t been seen in months. Good riddance as far as I’m concerned.

Maybe Trump’s had to reach that far down in the barrel.

Jesus. I’ll get the popcorn ready for the inevitable execution to follow.

“Your Honor, I object! This message board I go to says IOKWARDI, so why isn’t that principle working here? I demand you instruct the jury that IOKWARDI!”

Yep. Obvious professional troll who is carefully walking the line to avoid mod attention.

I just checked because I know that I’ve seen a few hidden reply notices fly by and felt happy about it. Turns out I’ve got 2 ignored and the other is our death fetishist, formerly from the ME. Too much death, too idiotic.

Actually I will say he has not avoided mod attention. They have avoided any warnings so far.

I can’t really go into any details though in the forum.

Nearly fell for replying to their “what’s a human worth” thread before I noticed who the OP was.

Rest assured, in the US we have an answer for that.

Temporary Ninny, that’s all I need to say.

One of our resident transphobes has roused themselves in response to the burning issue of pronouns.

Strangely, the “transwomen are biological men and a menace to real women because THEY ARE, THEY JUST ARE, AND THESE ANTITRANS WEBSITES SAY SO TOO” argument is failing to persuade.

Not a troll as such. Just a massive jerk.

It’s funny. Even having already read this, and being similarly committed to boycotting threads started by obvious trolls, I very nearly had a reply typed up (the topic was of some recent interest to me, and I wrote a paper that dealt in part with the very topic for a class on economic analysis of the law). But then I remembered why the thread seemed familiar, even though I’d never read any part of it before, and checked the OP. Feeding of the troll (narrowly) averted.

That’s what happens when you read through these forums too early in the morning, before the mind is fully alert.