Trolls R Us Resurrections

And the flesh is weak. One can only attend to so many in a lifetime

“Lamb, bam, thank you ma’am!”

I saw something online once. It absolutely reminds me of agzem:

Love it! It wouldn’t bother me too much, except for the amount of anti-vax misinformation that idiot is spewing.

When I was a young 'un, I had a pet rat who was the same. Though I never hurled her into the wall but she did enjoying being slid. Especially if I gave it a wrist turn so she’d make a full turn during the slide.
She was also smarter than @agzem.

You’re summoning Beetlejuice now? Oh boy.

That’s not how you summon Beetlejuice.

So how do you summon Beetlejuice?

You/re 1/3 of the way there.

We had a dachshund who was the same. No hitting walls, but she’d slide, and I swear to dog she’d laugh and run back for more.

Could always try @BeetleJuice


Please don’t summon that one. Their sole post is a bit of a word salad, but seems to be complaining that when you attempt to research Hitler, you get information with a negative spin.

Well, he hasn’t shown up, so we can hold out hope.

We did that with our dachshund too. It helps to have a somewhat slippery floor. We slid him across the floor on his back, and he’d try to run back for more so fast it took a while for his feet to get traction on the floor. So he’d run in place for a moment, just like in the roadrunner cartoons.

ETA: GDTA! (Great Dachshunds Think Alike!)

We have a Havanese dog that does that frequently on our hardwood floors. I’m pretty sure the “run in place before moving” trope in cartoons was inspired by observing dogs who actually do that. It’s freaking hilarious.

The sound effect is “YabidaYabidaYabida!”

I know how!

Hi! To find out what I can do, say @discobot display help.

Ok, who brought d.b. out of Hibernation Mode? Fess up…