I wasn’t sure if this question belongs in General Qs or not, but as it’s a personal preference thing I suspect not.
Lately I’ve become concerned about whether or not my trousers are at the correct altitude. Judging by my father and other older men, the older one gets the higher one hitches ones strides.
I’ve noticed that I seem to be wearing my belt less and less like a belt and more and more like a lifevest. That is, my belt buckle is gradually getting higher. Soon my nipples will disappear below a double veneer of shirt and chinos. A knock-on effect is that my socks have become more and more visible.
The northern migration has been a gradual process more akin with continental drift than seasonal avian migration, so gradual in fact that I barely noticed it happening and now I can now longer remember where the belt-line started in the first place. It has happened in tandem with a gradual increase in midriff girth and so may very well be related, but that is a topic for another thread.
My question is - what is the socially acceptable height for the belt line of a 31 year old in relation to said individuals belly button? My buckle usually sits an inch or so below the belly button but on occasions drifts higher. Is this normal?
i was told by a haberdasher, at a fairly young age, that once one has matured one wears the trousers so that the belt rides comfortably above the hips. for me, this puts the buckle smack dab over my belly button. you’ll note that most suave suit wearing people keep the pants fairly high. i don’t think you need to go completely zoot suit, but it’s certainly appropriate to keep it up there.
i still wear jeans and my carhartt’s under the gut (yeah, i dunlap), though, cause it just seems like that’s how jeans should be worn.
i suspect current young male fashion trends, in which the belt actually rides below the buttocks in the rear, reflects the ever increasing desire to avoid the trappings of maturity and respectability.
I think that men should never go higher than the bellybutton. Ever. Preferably, 1 to 2 inches below. But please, spare me the trauma of actually knowing what your underwear looks like. If that means Speedo bikini style briefs, then buy some.
Yes - it was when my socks started showing that I knew there was a problem. So the belt buckle is now pegged one inch below th belly button.
I do have suspenders but I only wear them with my dinner suit, which occurs, on average, once every 2 years. Cool? Sure. Rainbow ones so I look like Mork from Ork.
(Wouldn’t that be the Mad Hatter?)
I agree. Better to hike them up above the gut, than let them hide below it. Speaking of Speedos, as said gut expands, the speedos become invisible. If you can’t see the color of your undies, they need to be Bigger