trudi Canavan's new Fantasy series: Age of the Five

Anybody out there a fan of Trudi Canavan? Because I’m not. I started out reading the Black Magician series, and found it slow and plodding, and didn’t even bother reading the last one, High Lord.

And now she’s got a new series coming out, Age of the Five, and I thought I’d give the first a try, Priestess of the White, and I couldn’t even get past chapter one before giving up in despair at how clumsy the writing was.

Now, this wouldn’t be so bad, except here’s the dilemma: Trudi is a friend of mine. I’ve known her for 15 years. Indeed, we were going to write a book together, but being typical teenagers we were overly ambitious with the concept and only got about 10% into it before giving up. I proofread one of the Black Magician books, and have my name in the acknowledgements of two of them. She is a very nice, pleasant, and creative person who I admire very much.

But I think her writing is awful.

Well, to be honest, it’s just not to my taste, which isn’t the same thing as being awful, but still. I really don’t like it at all.


What do other people think of her stuff?