True Blood "And when I die" 9/11 season finale *spoilers*

I started this thread Sunday night, but it probably fell off the first page.
Here was my OP

Jesus is dead, but made it clear he’ll still be making appearances.

Debbie is dead, fine with me, she was just a nuisance and really didn’t bring anything to the show. ISTM she was only there to keep the Alcide story line at bay.

Grams and Rene made a cameo, that was neat, I noticed, while looking something else up, Rene wasn’t listed on IMDB.

What was the deal with Terry’s friend (also not listed on IMDB), they never went anywhere with that. I have it just didn’t make the final cut. But then why leave that part in, did I miss something?

And, going into next season, The Rev is a vampire*, Russel is back and Miss Damage Control saw the true death…should be twice the train wreck this one was. Hopefully, they they keep the storylines to a minimum and it could be fun. With Russel back and no Nan, I see no need for Hot Shot, WareAnythings, shifters, Brujos etc Let’s keep it to Good Vamps vs Bad Vamps. Get back to our roots.

*I have to wonder if he was always a vampire. When I first started watching the show I wondered if the vampires were supposed to be symbolic of homosexuals. (living in the closet, trying to be more mainstream, God hates Fangs etc). I know I’m not the only one as I’ve seen it mentioned in write ups about the show from time to time. If we find out the Rev was a fanger the entire time it would certainly reinforce that (even though the show has strayed really, really far from that since S1).

I remember Newlin was out doing stuff in the daylight, so…no. Maybe he railed against the vamps because he was in the closet about wanting to be one himself, and his wish came true.

Yup, you’re right, “Fellowship of the Sun”. They were always outside building stuff. I remember now.

How has no one mentioned seeing Jessica’s fantastic boobage yet?

Granted, it wasn’t a full frontal shot, but there was no hand covering that gorgeous busom. Seeing that, and the return of Russell, and the death of Tara, I thought the Dopers would be most pleased…or at least forgiving of the rest of the season.

I hypothesize Russell turned Newlin, then called on him to help release him from the concrete. Um, meanwhile, they had NO problems killing Nan–why not freakin’ Russell? Not that I’m bummed he’s coming back.

I’ve seen every episode, and read the first 10 books. And it was just…well, boring as shit. The other finales tend to wrap up the big bad with some time left, but not half the damn show. And the wrap up of the big bad tended to be, ya know,* interesting*. Season 1: Rene gets his head cut off with a freaking shovel. Season 2: Sam pretends to sacrifice himself, then transforms into a white bull and gores Marianne to death. This season: Gran pulls Marnie’s hair and then gives her a stern talking-to.

And the extra time used to get used to set up interesting new story lines. This episode, most of the extra time was devoted to angsty relationship bullshit that has been hashed absolutely to fucking death multiple times. The actual interesting stuff for next season–Rene’s ghost, Steve Newlin as a vamp, Russel’s escape-- got about 2 minutes combined. Instead, we got to see more angsting about who gets Sookie’s precious fairy vagina and what ridiculous contortions Deborah Woll will go to to keep her boobs covered during a sex scene.


Like a good chunk of what happened in the episode, he’s being introduced for the next season.

Those contortions were some of the sexiest I’ve ever seen. Deborah Ann Woll is gorgeous.

Weird. It’s not listed on his IMDB page either, though people are talking about it on his imdb board. Other Felicity fans recognized Scott Foley, I’m sure.

I wish that Tara was very, definitively, dead, but I doubt she’s actually dead. Unlike Nan, whom I loved. This sucks.

Does anyone else want to go as Red Riding Hood for Halloween now? I never would have guessed that it’d work for a redhead, but now that I’ve seen that it does… :slight_smile:

I found the finale more plodding than usual too. Oh well, here’s to hoping season 5 is much better.

I was 99% sure that’s who it was (as a Felicity fan) but it wasn’t listed.

Yeah, I can’t imagine she’s dead.

Because we didn’t see it? Just like we never actually saw Jason’s junk?

As with her previous sex scene, it was a giggle fest due to the obviousness of her “no topless” contract. First time with her shirt on, this time with super obvious red riding hood coverage / hand cuppage. It was almost as ridiculous as the various Austin Powers nudity blockage scenes.

But still sexy.

Wow, I went from Eric being my favourite character to hating him with a passion in one season!

Lemme see, he was turned into a total stupid puppy dog, which was bad enough. But last night finally pushed me over the edge. I hate hate hate people who throw away their most loyal companions for the new piece of pussy. I want Pam to join Russell now and tell him every secret and weakness she knows about Eric, because that’s what happens when you fuck people over.

I definitely saw naked boob in a few fleeting shots. It was the only good thing about the entire season.

Pics or it didn’t happen. She has a no boob contract. If she didn’t, they wouldn’t be so coy about her coverage. They aren’t shy about Anna’s nipples.

I saw side boob, but no nipple.

I was surprised as well, but they talked her into it somehow. I was so surprised that I had to make sure it wasn’t a body-double, but her face was in the shot.

Maybe it should be a subject for its own thread, but I’m curious about how others feel about characters who don’t stay dead. Not just here, but in other shows, like Buffy (not sure if Angel was guilty of this).

It’s one reason why I bailed on Supernatural, and it’s why I probably won’t watch the next season of this one. It’s hard to care about a character’s death when there’s no guarantee they won’t come back.

Well if you had a rule that dead characters had to stay dead…I guess it could work. You’d probably have to retitle it “Adventures in waitressing: the Sookie Stackhouse Show”

Hell, Angel had a habit of bringing back characters that died on Buffy! :smiley:

http:/ /

This is the best I’ve been able to find so far–link broken as it may be NSFW.

In any event, that appears to be fully exposed, unshielded left boobie there. No nipple, at least not obviously, but it’s no awkward hand-covering-boob either.

Maybe we saw it so clearly since we have a ginormous HDTV…? Hubby and I both had a “Whoa! I thought she had a no-boobie clause!” reaction to this scene.

Anyway, enjoy.

Wow, did not notice that on either viewing. I wonder why they bothered with the awkward cover up in other scenes.