Reading over many topics here, the subject of each of these questions, no doubt, have been their own topic at least once or twice or countless times. Rather then re-read all the old threads and see where everyones thoughts/opinions/POV’s stand, I decided to just throw all the questions togther in a simple True or False survey. I would hope that on the one’s answered false by said replier would also be accompanied by an explanation, but if not, that’s okay too. After all, the content of each of these inquires are probably spread all over these boards at various intervals.
I did not take this T or F questionare from anywhere; rather made it up myself as a fast way of seeing just where everyone stands in what they believe.
True or False?
- Everything worthwhile has already been invented:
- I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender:
- Time travel will never be possible:
- I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted:
- Pot should be legalized:
- Success means nothing to me:
- I believe in God/A God:
- I would never kill anyone:
- I believe in Ghosts:
- There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there:
- There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime:
- Racists are jerks:
- We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS:
- I believe my vote makes a difference:
- I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband:
- The world is slowly going to hell:
- People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life:
- The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed:
- I’ve told a lie within the last month:
- I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself:
If this topic does indeed suck ass, or has even been done itself many infinite times, I have a wonderful excuse to fall back on.
Hey, I’m new. I cannot be held accountable for my ignornace.