True or False?

Reading over many topics here, the subject of each of these questions, no doubt, have been their own topic at least once or twice or countless times. Rather then re-read all the old threads and see where everyones thoughts/opinions/POV’s stand, I decided to just throw all the questions togther in a simple True or False survey. I would hope that on the one’s answered false by said replier would also be accompanied by an explanation, but if not, that’s okay too. After all, the content of each of these inquires are probably spread all over these boards at various intervals.

I did not take this T or F questionare from anywhere; rather made it up myself as a fast way of seeing just where everyone stands in what they believe.

True or False?

  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented:
  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender:
  3. Time travel will never be possible:
  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted:
  5. Pot should be legalized:
  6. Success means nothing to me:
  7. I believe in God/A God:
  8. I would never kill anyone:
  9. I believe in Ghosts:
  10. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there:
  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime:
  12. Racists are jerks:
  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS:
  14. I believe my vote makes a difference:
  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband:
  16. The world is slowly going to hell:
  17. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life:
  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed:
  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month:
  20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself:

If this topic does indeed suck ass, or has even been done itself many infinite times, I have a wonderful excuse to fall back on.

Hey, I’m new. :smiley: I cannot be held accountable for my ignornace. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m new too, so I’ll bite. :slight_smile:

  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented: FALSE.
    Until I can throw all my dishes, clothing, and carpets into one machine, press a button, and end up with beautiful cat-hair-free floors, sparkling dishes, and april-fresh, folded laundry, there is definite room for improvement.

  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender: FALSE.
    Why impose limits? Is my true love immutably slated to be male? Love who you want, have sex with whom you please. Consenting, experimental adults, in my experience, are much happier people that those that define themselves by who they sleep with and how often.

  3. Time travel will never be possible: FALSE.
    There are far too many movies about it. Someone will keep trying until they succeed. And then they’ll accidentally destroy the human race while trying to better it, and it will all have never happened, anyway.

  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted:TRUE.
    Call me naive.

  5. Pot should be legalized: TRUETRUETRUE.
    Did I say that out loud?

  6. Success means nothing to me: FALSE.
    I have friends who are marrying and having children, I hear about so-and-so I went to high school with graduating med school or becoming a vice president, I come from an upper-middle-class suburb with pretty houses in rows and an expensive car in every garage. My very breeding demands that success be important to me. But I try not to let it.

  7. I believe in God/A God: TRUE.
    I believe in higher powers, but the important thing is that I do believe.

  8. I would never kill anyone: FALSE.
    First of all, I don’t like saying never to anything. And second, in defense of my own life, or the life of one I loved, I would not hesitate. I don’t think I’m capable of cold-blood killing, but then, I believe that people are mostly good-hearted.

  9. I believe in Ghosts: TRUE.
    I’ve seen disappearing bloodstains and self-locking deadbolts. 'Nuff said.

  10. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there:TRUE.
    The universe is a big place. Are we so arrogant as to think we must be the smartest things in it? I don’t assume everything in the sky is a UFO, but odds are there’s something out there.

  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime: TRUE.
    Though I wish it weren’t.

  12. Racists are jerks: TRUE.
    I think that speaks for itself.

  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS: TRUE.
    See time machine answer, only without the “destroying humanity” part.

  14. I believe my vote makes a difference: FALSE.
    I would like to think so, but I only really vote to make my mother happy–she insists I cancel out my Republican brother whenever possible.

  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband: TRUE.
    Or at least, I would like it to be. As yet, I never have, but I’ve been cheated on enough times to know it’s not a nice thing to do.

  16. The world is slowly going to hell: FALSE.
    There’s not much “slowly” about it. It all depends on how steep the incline as we snowball down the ramp! Seriously, I think that the good outweighs the bad as much as the bad outweighs the good. Balance shifts, but it remains balanced in the end. That made sense only in my head, sorry. See pot answer.

  17. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life: TRUE.
    Like S’mores Pop Tarts.

  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed: FALSE.
    Sometimes stupidity doesn’t need a leader, it moves forward all on its own. The world would have bled one way or another.

  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month: TRUE.
    Hell, I’ve probably told a lie in the last hour. I did just get off the phone with my mother.

  20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself: COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY FALSE.
    I do, however, have a decent amount of intelligence (no, really, I do), a twisted sense of humor, and a lot of friends and family to see me through.

Okay, I’m done now. :slight_smile:

  1. F I cannot believe anyone could think this is true.
  2. F never EVER is an impossible constraint.
  3. F time travel forward in time is most definitely possible.
  4. T I believe most people want to be good hearted, and will act that way if given The chance.
  5. T if it causes no harm to oThers.
  6. F nothing means nothing to me.
  7. T I haven’t found evidence enough to discount The God hypoThesis, and feel that believing in such an idea has good psychological benefits.
  8. T If you mean murder rather than kill. OTherwise F as killing can be accidental.
  9. F I neiTher see evidence for or a good reason to believe ion ghosts
  10. T Probability suggests this, especially if The Universe is as large as is now being speculated.
  11. T Well big wars are going to happen in The future, bigger than WW1 or WW2, but maybe They won’t get called WW3.
  12. T Racists are racist jerks, but does not mean that racists cannot have value in some oTher way.
  13. T a cure or means of avoiding These diseases will certainly be obtained sometime in The future.
  14. T but a very very small difference.
  15. T but I would consider an open relationship.
  16. F The world seems to me to have been slowly improving for The last 6000 + years I don’t see a reason to believe this trend will change.
  17. T but not at The expensive of The more complex grosser things!
  18. Unanswerable: The world would be a lot different though.
  19. T I prefer to lie and in so doing help a person, rather than tell The truth and harm Them.
  20. F, F, T
  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented: False, there will probably be worthy and unworthy things invented as long as their are people.
  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender: True (but at this rate I’ll never have sex with a member of the oposite gender either…)
  3. Time travel will never be possible: True
  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted: False, call me cynical.
  5. Pot should be legalized: True, jails are too crowded to arrest people for something that causes fewer socital problems than alcohol.
  6. Success means nothing to me:False. Who’d answer true?
  7. I believe in God/A God: True but the strength of my belief varies day to day
  8. I would never kill anyone: True at least not intentionally.
  9. I believe in Ghosts: True, sort of. I don’t believe in intelligent spirits wandering around, but I think people aren’t merely hallucinating when they “see ghosts.”
  10. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there: True the universe is too vast for us to be the only fluke. I don’t think they visit this planet and kidnap people to experment on, however.
  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime: False even if there was one, no one would declare it :smiley:
  12. Racists are jerks: True it’s hard to merely attribute it to ignorance in this day and age.
  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS: True
  14. I believe my vote makes a difference: True even if it only serves to annoy liberals by adding to statistics, it’s done something :slight_smile:
  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband: True
  16. The world is slowly going to hell:false. The world went to hell a long time ago.
  17. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life: False. They should enjoy what they enjoy, period.
  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed: False he’s served to show what happens when a ruthless person gets too much power, so perhaps it might never happen again.
  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month: True. Probably, though I can’t think of one off the top of my head.
  20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself: True/False Like my thoughts on God, it varies day to day.
  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented. FALSE. For example, a cure for cancer has not yet been found. I’d say that’d be worth while.
  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender: FALSE. I’m straight, but I’m willing to experiment.
  3. Time travel will never be possible. TRUE. Although Draelin’s answer to this was great, I must say.
  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted. TRUE, for the most part. At least in my experience.
  5. Pot should be legalized. TRUE. We’d save money on the joke of a War on Drugs—actually make money on it because it could be taxed—and to have alcohol and cigarettes legal while pot is very similar is complete hypocrisy. Besides, people who don’t smoke pot don’t smoke pot because it’s illegal. They refrain from smoking pot because they aren’t interested in it. The legality factor has nothing to do with their not smoking it. Conversely, people who want to smoke pot will smoke pot, regardless of whether or not it is illegal.
  6. Success means nothing to me. FALSE. Success means a good chunk to me. I want to be recognized for having done well, right or wrong.
  7. I believe in God/A God. TRUE. Most of the time.
  8. I would never kill anyone. FALSE. If placed in a kill or be killed situation, I would fight back. I’m also not ruling the option of killing someone out, if said person had hurt my children. (Don’t have any yet).
  9. I believe in Ghosts. FALSE, but I’m willing to be swayed.
  10. There are other forms of intelligent life somewhere out there. TRUE. We are not the best the universe can do.
  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime. FALSE.
  12. Racists are jerks. TRUE. Well, at least uneducated.
  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS. TRUE.
  14. I believe my vote makes a difference: eh, TRUE. But a tiny, almost non-existent difference.
  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband. TRUE.
  16. The world is slowly going to hell. FALSE. It’s getting better.
  17. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life: TRUE. Smell the fucking roses.
  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed UNDECIDED. For one, it’s possible that had we not learned anything from Hitler, someone every bit as Hitler-esque could have come along shortly thereafter, and we’d have been at least as bad off.
  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month: TRUE. I’ve told a lie within the last twenty minutes.
  20. I have self-confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself: TRUE
  1. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life.

Hell, no! It’s too easy to enjoy the finer things. Make a real challenge out of it by enjoying twisted but complex concepts and frolicking in the worst kind of scum.

(This isn’t my only false answer, but I don’t know you well enough to explain who I would kill and why.

Oh! A poll!

  1. False: Not by a long shot.
  2. False: If I was tied down, beaten into submission, pumped full of drugs and with The Fate of the Entire World Resting on My Shoulders, possibly. Barring that scenario, probably not.
  3. Tru…er…fals… umm, possibily. I’m way too underqualified to tell you.
  4. True: But I prepare for the worst.
  5. False: Last thing we need is to legalise another potentially harmful substance. In terms of social problems, tobacco and alcohol is bad enough.
  6. False: Sorry, I’m a driven man.
  7. True: Believing in a God is another matter. If one exists, then it exists :shugs:
  8. False: I would like it to be true, but I’ve still got a lot of life to live out.
  9. True: I know that ghost probably don’t exist, but a but of belief never harmed anyone.
  10. Possibly: Again, I don’t really know the answers. Open mind and all that, ya?
  11. True: Warfare will occur, maybe in 30 years time, or perhaps in 1,000 years from now.
  12. True: Been there, done that. They are jerks.
  13. True: Don’t know when, but it will happen.
  14. False: The politains you get are (nearly) always different from those you voted for. Still vote though.
  15. False: It’s bad karma, dude/dudette.
  16. False: It’s just better media coverage nowadays.
  17. True: They’re usually easier to obtain and cheaper. I, on the other hand, am not ‘people’ and thus bathe in my material wealth :stuck_out_tongue:
  18. Errr, I think I’ll skip that one. Time travel theories give me headaches. Just wave your hands and say magic happens; I’ll smile and nod, ok?
  19. True: “When will you have it in?”/ “By next week”
  20. False: Go apathy! (oxymoron of the week)

Welcome to the boards! :slight_smile:

True or False?

  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented: False, there are new inventions each and every day, some worthwhile, some not so…but at least people are attempting to make things better, easier, etc

  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender: False. I find myself the odd time looking at other women and wondering, so I can’t ever rule out that possibility.

  3. Time travel will never be possible: False…no reason for this thought, just don’t believe.

  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted: True. Makes me feel better thinking this way…although, I’ve noticed lately, there’s way too much greed in the world.

  5. Pot should be legalized: True.

  6. Success means nothing to me: False. Depends on your definition of success. If you mean financial success, that’s true. If you mean success in life, being love, family, good friends, than it means a lot to me.

  7. I believe in God/A God: True. I believe in something, yet to figure out exactly.

  8. I would never kill anyone: False. Again, if my family or friends were in a situation where I had to kill someone, I believe I would take whatever measures required to save their lives.

  9. I believe in Ghosts: False

  10. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there: False.

  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime: True. I was beginning to believe it was going to be this year…hopefully, I’m completely off base on this.

  12. Racists are jerks: True and Another True

  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS: False. Not in my lifetime.

  14. I believe my vote makes a difference: False. I wanted to believe this, but I believe politicians tow to big business and money.

  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband: False. I’ve done it

  16. The world is slowly going to hell: True. But not slowly.

  17. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life: True. Reading a book, playing a board game, walking the beach, listening to music can all bring more pleasure than video games.

  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed: True.

  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month: False. Good or bad, I believe in honesty at all times

  20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself: True…for the most part

Very interesting questions…

  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented: FALSE, we might not even realize it’s worthwile right now.
  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender: TRUE… I’m attracted to men way too much. It’s like asking if I would ever have sex with a horse. I love to experiment too, but it only will go so far.
  3. Time travel will never be possible: TRUE. I am a huge Star Trek fan and I think this is one concept that is impossible.
  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted: TRUE (for the most part)
  5. Pot should be legalized: TRUE, it doesn’t stop anyone from doing it. The gov’t should make money from it, not spend money on it.
  6. Success means nothing to me: FALSE. The opposite of success is failure and I certainly don’t aim for that goal.
  7. I believe in God/A God: TRUE.
  8. I would never kill anyone: FALSE. I would kill to protect the life of myself or my son (hopefully I would be brave enough).
  9. I believe in Ghosts: TRUE.
  10. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there: TRUE. We would be cocky to think otherwise.
  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime: TRUE… but maybe not in our lifetimes.
  12. Racists are jerks: TRUE. May I add ignorant.
  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS: TRUE but it’s scary to think of what may come next… it might get us before WW3.
  14. I believe my vote makes a difference: TRUE Perhaps locally it does.
  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband: TRUE. Why bother… break up and find someone you’d rather sleep with.
  16. The world is slowly going to hell: FALSE. The world is full of good and bad. My goal is to try to see more good than bad.
  17. People should enjoy the simpiler and finer things in life: TRUE. Enjoy it all… don’t focus on the negative.
  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed: FALSE. I need to know the alternative history of the world before I would say true. What if he didn’t exist but in the alternate world, an asteriod destroyed the earth?
  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month: TRUE but nothing important (I swear!).
  20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself: TRUE, I’ve proved to myself that I have every right to feel this way.
  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented: false, I want a personal space ship
  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender: true, unless I was forced
  3. Time travel will never be possible: false, forward travel is possible if you go very fast
  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted: false
  5. Pot should be legalized: true
  6. Success means nothing to me: false
  7. I believe in God/A God: false
  8. I would never kill anyone: false, if my life depended on killing someone, I could do it
  9. I believe in Ghosts: false
  10. There are other forms of intelligent life somewhere out there: true
  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime: false, not certain though it’s possible
  12. Racists are jerks: false, some are just ignorant
  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS: true
  14. I believe my vote makes a difference: false, I haven’t voted
  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband: true, at least I hope so
  16. The world is slowly going to hell: false, I think it’s alot better than in the dark ages
  17. People should enjoy the simpler and finer things in life: true, alot of people do
  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed: false, it’s really an unknown, just imagine a nuclear war instead of a cold war.
  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month: true
  20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself: false, false, true
  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented:

False. Where’s my teleporter?

  1. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender:

False. Nothing’s impossible. Unlikely, but not impossible.

  1. Time travel will never be possible:

True. I don’t think it can be physically achieved.

  1. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted:

True. If you define “for the most part” as 51%

  1. Pot should be legalized:

True. But only because I believe in giving the people what they want, and if this becomes socially accepted, then hey hey.

  1. Success means nothing to me:

False. Success means everything to me. Of course, we all have difference definitions of “success”.

  1. I believe in God/A God:

False. Hardcore atheist here.

  1. I would never kill anyone:

False. Unlikely, but I suppose it could happen.

  1. I believe in Ghosts:

False. I’m an adult now.

  1. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there:

True. How could there not be?

  1. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime:

True. Its inevitable.

  1. Racists are jerks:


  1. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS:

True. Hopefully sooner than later.

  1. I believe my vote makes a difference:

True. If it were false that would negate the entire basis of democracy.

  1. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband:

False. Again, nothing is ever impossible.

  1. The world is slowly going to hell:

False. The world is slowly but steadily improving.

  1. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life:

True. Abso-fucking-lutely true. I don’t understand how so many adults (teenagers, too) can give up that childhood sense of wonder.

  1. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed:

False. I hate to say it but I really doubt anything would be all that different.

  1. I’ve told a lie within the last month:

True. And for more than “a lie”.

  1. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself:

True. Perhaps to the point of arrogance.

  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented:

False. I am working on something right now in fact.
2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender:

3. Time travel will never be possible:

True. I’d love to entertain the thought, but it just doesn’t seem right.
4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted:


  1. Pot should be legalized:

True. I have never had it, but it seems to be mostly a victim of bad government.
6. Success means nothing to me:

extremely false. Of course, you need to define “success” a little more stringently to get a better answer.
7. I believe in God/A God:

8. I would never kill anyone:

False. I would kill, if the need arose, and there was a good reason.
9. I believe in Ghosts:

Undecided. I believe in a number of phenomena that are currently unproven.
10. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there:

False. Maybe. Probably. I don’t know. Maybe, but too far to be of any issue with current state of technology.
11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime:

12. Racists are jerks:


  1. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS:

True. Maybe not very soon though.
14. I believe my vote makes a difference:

False. I’m not prone to delusions. I’m one of a quarter-billion people in this country, most of which are of voting age. A difference in the actual percentage of votes a specific candidate gets? maybe. Difference in the result? no.
15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband:

16. The world is slowly going to hell:

17. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life:

True. Unless that statement is meant to imply that people should not enjoy more complicated things. I’m for a good distribution of simple and complex things to enjoy.
18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed:

False. Hitler didn’t cause all, or even the majority of the world’s problems. And someone else would have gladly taken the job if he hadn’t.
19. I’ve told a lie within the last month:

True. Anyone answering false has probably just told one. Little white lies count.

  1. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself:

True. Somewhat. Not always. Depends on the situation. Generally, yes.

  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented: FALSE, and very false at that. Haven’t actually heard anyone say this out loud btw, ever.

  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender: Ehm, I’ll have to pull a clinton on this one. Please broaden the definition of the term ‘sex’ :smiley:

  3. Time travel will never be possible: False. Well I just can’t rule it out because of my ignorance in this scientific area although it doesn’t seem likely to go backwards. Forewards is still easily debatable.

  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted: False. I think most people are selfish.

  5. Pot should be legalized:True. Well It’s condoned in so many parts of the world and proven to be a lot less damaging in general than alcohol.

  6. Success means nothing to me: False. But I don’t have to be the best of the best. Just reach my own expectations.

  7. I believe in God/A God:False. I was never taught to believe in god and have never seen, read, heard or felt anything that couldn’t be explained with a dose of reality. Maybe I’m just really unlucky

  8. I would never kill anyone:False. I have a long life ahead of me and the world doesn’t seem so sunny at the moment to be certain. I’ll never do it as the agressor though.

  9. I believe in Ghosts: False. Although any sign of deviance from reality is welcome I’ll have to see it to believe it.

  10. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there:True. Billions times Billions of stars would seem like a big enough number to have more than 1 place where life would start. Especially since mars seems to have some already.

  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime: True. We seem to forget the really bad things after a while and with the last couple of years it doesn’t seem we’ve grown al that much.

  12. Racists are jerks:true, but uneducated, poor, bad examples and parenting also come into the equation.

  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS:true, but at about the same time they are replaced with something deadlier and generally more succesfull (from it’s point of view).

  14. I believe my vote makes a difference: False. I Think Campain donations over a 100.000 dollars and family and connections make a difference.

  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband:False. Too late.

  16. The world is slowly going to hell: True

  17. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life: True

  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed:False and unless you have a time machine it’s moot anyway.

  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month:True And if you haven’t you’re propably not having much of an active social life involving the meat-market.

  20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself: both I’m mostly arrogant when I’m feeling low on self esteem and vice versa so i’m always a bit unbalanced.

1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented:
**2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender:**False. Highly unlikely, though.
3. Time travel will never be possible: False; it could be thousands of years away, but we’ll be able to find some loophole in physics somewhere.
4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted: False; there are good-hearted people, but for the most part, people are mostly concerned with themselves (which, in the evolutionary sense, is a good thing)
5. Pot should be legalized: True
6. Success means nothing to me: False. There are other things I’m more concerned about
7. I believe in God/A God: Another one who believes in ‘something’.
8. I would never kill anyone: False; one never knows.
9. I believe in Ghosts: False.
10. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there: Very true. The universe is too big to house only us.
11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime: True.
12. Racists are jerks: True
13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS: True
14. I believe my vote makes a difference: N/A
15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband: False.
16. The world is slowly going to hell: False. Civilisation may give it that notion, but the world is so much than that.
17. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life: True, see above
18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed: False. All our world’s problems can’t be attributed to Hitler.
19. I’ve told a lie within the last month: Or 20. True :wink:
20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself: TRUE

  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented: False when it was said two centuries ago, and false today.

  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender: Oh lordy. Faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalse.

  3. Time travel will never be possible: True. From the physics I’ve seen on this it’s simply not feasible.

  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted: True, at their core, but if their core is corrupted then it doesn’t make much difference.

  5. Pot should be legalized: True

  6. Success means nothing to me: False. Success means not so much money as doing what I do well. That is important to me.

  7. I believe in God/A God: True. Agnostic Theist, but theist nonetheless.

  8. I would never kill anyone: False. There are, ah, certain corcumstances. Let us hope it never comes to that.

  9. I believe in Ghosts: True.

  10. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there: True. Just a gut feeling.

  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime: True.

  12. Racists are jerks: True

  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS: True

  14. I believe my vote makes a difference: True. I’m allowed to be naive here!

  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband: True. I have far too much invested in fizzy, and there’s just no point; I have no desire to cheat on her.

  16. The world is slowly going to hell: False. All the arguments I’ve seen on this rely on false premises to say “so you see, we used to be much more moral (usually meant to mean ‘we used to go to church a lot more’), but we aren’t now”.

  17. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life: People should enjoy whatever floats their boat, “an’ it harm none.”

  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed: Dunno. Really dunno. Could a lot of evil have been avoided? Most likely. Is it possible someone worse could have come along instead? Also possible.

  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month:True.

  20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself: False. Oh lordy, and how.

  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented: False
  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender: O! So False!
  3. Time travel will never be possible: False, I hope
  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted: True, I hope
  5. Pot should be legalized: True, truer, truest
  6. Success means nothing to me: False, if success means doing my best
  7. I believe in God/A God: True
  8. I would never kill anyone: False. I would kill anyone who tried to kill a child
  9. I believe in Ghosts: False
  10. There are other forms of intelligent life somewhere out there: True
  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime: So sad, but True
  12. Racists are jerks: Truly, deeply, madly
  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS: True
  14. I believe my vote makes a difference: True
  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband: True, I hope
  16. The world is slowly going to hell: False; it seems quite speedy to me
  17. People should enjoy the simpler and finer things in life: True
  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed: True. Even if someone worse came along later.
  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month: True
  20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself: True. At my age, if I didn’t, I’d be in perpetual therapy, like Woody Allen
  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented:
    F. I’m sure there are lots of other neat ideas out there.

  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender:
    T. It’s just not something I’m into.

  3. Time travel will never be possible:
    F. You never know.

  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted:
    T. At least most people have the potential there.

  5. Pot should be legalized:
    F. No.

  6. Success means nothing to me:
    T or F. It depends on what kind of success.

  7. I believe in God/A God:

  8. I would never kill anyone:

  9. I believe in Ghosts:
    F. Not even a little bit.

  10. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there:
    T. I can imagine that.

  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime:
    T. Sadly true

  12. Racists are jerks:
    T. Very true

  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS:
    T. With enought time and money

  14. I believe my vote makes a difference:

  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband:
    True, I would dump him first

  16. The world is slowly going to hell:
    True. In a handbasket.

  17. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life:

  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed:
    Hard to say.

  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month:

  20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself:

I would say “lol”, but I’m actually laughing out loud reading that response, and “lol” is usually a throw-away.

The whole bachelor party worry is making more sense, seeing the natural progression of your mind. hehheh…just teasing, no offense intended at all. You actually sound pretty cool.
To answer the poll: it’s too long to go point by point, so I’ll answer in narrative form:

I do not believe in God, ghosts, UFO’s, or any supernatural phenomenon. I believe in the laws of physics, which tell us time travel may be theoretically possible. The universe is so unimaginably vast that sentient life is statistically required.

I believe in the goodness of the human heart and the limitless capacity for human ingenuity, which has only begun to hit its stride. Many advances and cures lie both just around the corner and in the distant future.

I seriously doubt I’d ever have a gay encounter, though with my self-esteem varying between low and non-existant, who knows? I do lie on occasion, and would kill someone in self-defense or defense of another, or more likely get myself killed trying.

I think pot should definitely be legalized, but as my vote probably doesn’t matter outside of Florida it is a moot point.

Welcome to the SDMB!

  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented: False. Actually, this is true, if you believe SegWay’s claim that SegWay is the greatest thing ever invented. :smack:
  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender: True. I know too much about guys, they’ve got nothing to offer.
  3. Time travel will never be possible: True. If it was possible, somebody would’ve come back here by now and let us know. :wink:
  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted: True, if ya gotta narrow it down that much.
  5. Pot should be legalized: True, because the war on drugs is stupid and if beer is legal, it makes no sense for marijuana not to be.
  6. Success means nothing to me: False. Material success means little to me, but success means reaching the goals I set for myself, so of course I want to do that.
  7. I believe in God/A God: False. Not for all the tea in… nah, cliches don’t do justice to the fervor of my atheism.
  8. I would never kill anyone: True. I’ve considered it about as much as a reasonable person can be expected to, but I certainly couldn’t murder anybody.
  9. I believe in Ghosts: False. Just plain stupid.
  10. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there: I’m pretty torn on this one, I guess I’ll go with false.
  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime: False
  12. Racists are jerks: True. I suppose it’s an overgeneralization, but I’m sticking with it.
  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS: True. We’re doing pretty well so far, I think, especially with cancer.
  14. I believe my vote makes a difference: False. I’ll vote anyway, but mostly because I’d rather vote and complain it’s useless: too many powerful people would rather I stayed home.
  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband: True. I love her more than anything.
  16. The world is slowly going to hell: False. No matter what us darn kids say or wear. :wink:
  17. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life: True, but there’s nothing wrong with involving the more complicated and stupider things either. :stuck_out_tongue:
  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed: False. WWII/the Holocaust happened because it had to, and it gives us something to learn from.
  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month: I don’t recall. What, I don’t! :wink:
  20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself: True, though I’ve never known what “believing in myself” means.
  1. Everything worthwhile has already been invented:
    - False
  2. I would never EVER have sex with a member of my gender:
    - True
  3. Time travel will never be possible:
    - False
  4. I think that people, for the most part, are good hearted:
    - True
  5. Pot should be legalized:
    - False
  6. Success means nothing to me:
    - False
  7. I believe in God/A God:
    - False
  8. I would never kill anyone:
    - False (im not a murderer, but I would kill someone for my country)
  9. I believe in Ghosts:
    - False
  10. There are other forms of intellegent life somewhere out there:
    - True
  11. There is certain to be a World War 3 sometime:
    - False
  12. Racists are jerks:
    - True
  13. We will find a cure for Cancer and AIDS:
    - False
  14. I believe my vote makes a difference:
    - True
  15. I would NEVER cheat on a boyfriend/girlfriend/wife/husband:
    - True
  16. The world is slowly going to hell:
    - False
  17. People should enjoy the simplier and finer things in life:
    - True
  18. The world today would be a lot better if Hitler never existed:
    - False (you cant say true, because it is impossible to know what the world would be like if Hitler never existed. What Hitler did was so terrible and embarrassing for humankind that it will probably not be allowed to happen again.)
  19. I’ve told a lie within the last month:
    - True
  20. I have self confidence, a good self esteem, and believe in myself:
    - True