Truffled Liver Mousse - The Package was Wrong!

The package said that this liver mousse with truffles was best served at room temperature. So I set it out and waited. And it was distinctly meh. It was creamy alright, but tasted flat and uninteresting, truffles and all. Disappointed again in truffles.

There was about three quarters left. I bagged it, and put it back in the fridge.

A couple of days later, I pulled it back out for lunch. I had already had my insulin shot, so I couldn’t wait for room temperature. I spread it on a cracker and popped it in my mouth.

Good god, what a difference! It’s firm and delicate at the same time, cold and meaty and with an earthy savor that curls my toes.

What idiot wrote those food rules on this package? I was never going to buy this product again, now I plan to get some more and soon.

Is it an accepted decree that liver pate or mousse must be served at room temperature? If so, the food snobs don’t know what they’re missing. Try it cold! Yum!

Any other culinary rules worth breaking?

I like lumps in my mashed potatoes.

Foie Gras torchon (liver and some kind of dried fruit wrapped in a tube shape in cheesecloth, cured in salt, then wrapped in plastic wrap and chilled…served as medallion slices on toast points, etc) is served cold and it’s fantastic.

One thing I would try is to put some acidic fruit or preserves on it. That way you introduce some sweetness to the rich, creamy pate and then also get an acid cut to the richness of the pate that’s quite pleasant. If you can get some eiswein, Sauternes or Tokay dessert wines to have a few sips with that, then even better.

When I was a young kid, I insulted an elderly relative by saying this. :rolleyes: I was used to Potato Buds, and these potatoes were wonderful, and I loved the texture and told her so.

^ Good thing you didn’t mention the dirty knife. :slight_smile:

Venison is nasty.

I still haven’t figured out the spoon-in-the-spaghetti-dish procedure. How is that supposed to help you suck up a foot long strand of pasta?

It helps you wrap it around the fork. It works, but is completely unnecessary as you can use the edge of your bowl to twirl the spaghetti on to your fork.

I thought so! It probably also helps to transfer some to your wife’s plate when she says Can I try some of your spaghetti? C’mon, more than that! :slight_smile:

No, it actually isn’t. It can vary based on the diet of the animal, but rare venison tenderloin is delicious. Of course, most rednecks (not necessarily meaning you) won’t eat ANY meat that isn’t well done, and in the case of venison, is completely ruined. There’s so little fat in deer meat to support less than rare cooking, unless you’re talking about venison burger, chili, jerky, etc in which case it doesn’t matter.

The best jerky I have ever had was from a deer hunter I knew, ditto summer sausage.

I guess this isn’t a culinary rule but I LOVE chocolate pudding skin! I shudder at the idea of putting plastic wrap on top of freshly cooked pudding. The skin is the best part.

I don’t take offense at the redneck assumption. Mr.Wrekker is definately of that ilk. I have cooked and processed every kind of recipe you can think of. From jerky to roasts, tenderloin and sausage. Chili and soup. I have given it the old college try, I promise. I cannot like the stuff. It is not the ‘awe cute, its Bambi’ thing, because I hate deer. They are large rodents with hooves. Plus they are out to kill me. I have had at least 6 car vs deer encounters. One especially, nearly did me in. I have no love for those creatures. The more hunters kill, the happier I am. I am sorry PETA people.

YES! Pudding skin rocks!

I wish there was a way to get a second, third, etc skin after eating the first! I thought re-heating it would do it, but alas no second skin.:frowning:

Mr. Wrekker brings it home all the time, doesn’t he? That sucks.
Family tradition: cloves (the spice) on pork. My mom mis-read a recipe when newly married. It called for a clove of garlic. They liked it with the other kind of cloves, and that’s what I grew up with.

I could see that working. I love my pork with fennel seeds (& black pepper), and that’s also one of those fragrant spices. (Though clove is a bit stronger.)

My god, Asimovian has a sock!

Why not make a batch of pudding and spread it out thin on a jelly roll tray and let it all turn to skin sort of like a pudding roll up?

I thought of that! I don’t make cooked pudding very often. I hate having to stir it for so long as it’s cooking. But no other pudding can compare to cooked chocolate pudding!

If I recall didn’t George (Seinfeld) have a million dollar idea that involved pudding skin?