Well well.
I’m betting most of them will just roll over and get on board.
Well well.
I’m betting most of them will just roll over and get on board.
I don’t even… Does anybody even…? Can anybody here play this game?
Prolly just a puffed-up “adviser” with no actual portfolio. Trump doesn’t know what he’s doing, how can this guy know? Clarification in five, four, three…
Assuming the OP’s title reflects the article, Trump’s person is right. Like the proverbial stopped clock.
What happens next is what matters.
What do you mean, will? They already have. Trump has done them the ‘favor’ of showing that it is unnecessary to engage in civilized discourse or acknowledge any sense of hypocrisy whatsoever. He essentially showed them to not be afraid of following through on their rhetoric. Of course, he was doing it against a notably unpopular candidate who failed to appeal to enough of the traditional base and did not represent voters disillusioned with politics and corporate influence. That very lesson may be their own undoing if the DNC can acknowledge and correct their failing in this election.
Pretty interesting. Talk about bait and switch.
The voters get what they want and Trump makes a boatload of money. Win-win. It’s a new world.
:rolleyes: Translation:
“Just as we Republicans in the 1980s had to learn to say family values and government is the problem, now we have to learn to say working-class and populist. We can’t get ordinary people to vote for our upward-wealth-transfer policies unless we use effective rhetoric to make it sound like we’re on their side.”
IOW: Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, but with some new buzzwords.
Moore is one of those people, like Larry Kudlow that strike me as a TOTAL opportunist. He has been advocating entirely different economic policies for YEARS that go directly against the populism of Trump, and now he’s changed his mind after some time on the trail?
He the conservative economics version of Hannity, totally useless compromised human being, that will go anywhere the wind blows to keep republicans in power.
All that said, WHAT he said was kind of right. The base of the republican party is not the same, and guess who explained this all best some years ago? One David Frum.
I know many people here still DESPISE David Frum because he was a neocon, but I still think he’s one of the most engaging and insightful speakers around.
It’s like Nostradamus come to life.
College educated whites and the people that succeed in the current system have abandoned the party, while the working class / non college educated white population gives more and more support to them. They have a different base, with entirely different interests to the elites that still call themselves republicans.
And Stephen Moore, opportunist chameleon that he is, intends to ride whatever ideological wave that leads to more power.
The old Republican way was too dependent on the power of the rich elites. The New Republican Party will unify all the classes and people into one group, dedicated to patriotism, a shining citadel on the hill! The wealthy and the workers will be united in mind and spirit, dedicated to the founding of the New America, to last a thousand years!
One people, one America, One Donald!
(White) working class. The white working class voted for him, non-white working class people didn’t support him anymore than non-white professional class people supported him.
They are leaving out the racial, religious and nationalistic aspects of Trump’s rise. But yes, he did offer to promote the agenda of the working class.
However Trump has scammed and conned endless people in his life so far, so I don’t have much hope of him doing anything for them.
What Trump will probably do is take credit for stuff he didn’t actually have a meaningful role in. If a company considers moving overseas, then decides against it, Trump will take credit and his base will eat it up even when the company releases a statement saying Trump had nothing to do with it.
He’s already done this (with the KY Ford plant) and they weren’t even CONSIDERING a move.
From what I heard they were contractually bound to stay in the US, something that had been implemented before Trump even got in the race.
And companies will learn that they have a big incentive to fake it. Muse about moving a factory to Mexico, then “negotiate” with the president and get praised as a job creator when they don’t.
I should add, people like Stephen Moore are willing to toss just about any presumed conservative policy under the sun under the bus except one.
Lower tax rates on high earners like himself. He and Larry Kudlow will make all sorts of assertions about automatic growth once such a thing is done (Hello Kansas). If he has to reintroduce earmarks to toss some scraps to the white working class to maintain the political support needed to keep his taxes lower, than he will jump through those hoops.
I do not believe for a second if it was demonstrated that lower taxes lead to lower growth or similar growth with larger deficits he’d bad an eye. I see him as ENTIRELY self centered in hos concern.
How high are my taxes? How much more can I keep in MY paycheck and investment income? More? Rest of society goes into a slow burn… but my taxes get lowered? FINE BY ME.
Perhaps my assessment of him is wrong, but that is the sense I get.