Trump, Cruz, Rubio: the three hairballs the GOP has coughed up for its Presidential nominee

The conservatives are wrong.

What running coach said. My regarding Dubya as a worse President than Nixon doesn’t mean I think Nixon was a good President, it just means that Dubya was worse. Ditto these guys and Dubya.

Hi, Clothy! How ya doin’? :slight_smile:

No matter how much you dislike Hillary, she knows her shit. Calling her ‘brain dead’ just shows that even your name-calling is misplaced.

And Bernie may not be as wonky as Hillary, but his policy knowledge comfortably exceeds Trump, Cruz, and Rubio put together.

As a general rule, yes.

George Bush: Great President, or Greatest President? It’s too soon to tell!

The evidence was already posted that shows that the smartest Republicans know when “political bullshit” candidates are selected by their own party. But they will continue to feed your delusions, so you will be kept happy for awhile.

Until most of the American people, minorities and women included, shows up to vote in the presidential election.

Only way to top this is for Trump to win the nomination and pick Palin as his running mate.


…and according to FOX News, Chris Christie is, right this minute, endorsing Trump.

Thnak you Jesus, for these blessings you bestow.

But, Palin will look so normal next to tRump.

Nope. We’re used to Republican Mediocrities. Palin was ahead of her time–introducing us the The Republican Grotesque.

I can see Palin standing next to and looking adoringly at Trump, who is holding a pitchfork and glaring out of the picture. They stand in front of Trump Tower in New York.

It’d be titled American Grotesque.

or I could get a new keyboard.

Have a little mishap with the Enter key, there chief?

Cruz is running an incompetent dirty campaign. Dirty because he accused Rubio of hating the Bible, etc. Incompetent because he got caught at it.

Cruz is Richard Nixon without the charm.

No wonder you admire them. Trump makes more sense than you do and Cruz has more friends.

If you thought that up yourself, I tip my to hat to you!!

As for this thread appearing no matter… maybe. But still, aside from Kasich, this is one crazy slate of candidates. Would they be acting more dignified if Trump were out of the picture? Don’t know.

That’s optimistic. I have no reason to think this is just more of the same old garbage from Republicans we’ve been seeing for years. They’re more insane than they were last month, and less insane than they’ll be next month. Culmination my shoe.

As usual, blustering Republicans come out of the woodwork to denounce the direction of the party while at the same time supporting it. In the same articlewhere he claims the GOP would be crazy to back Trump, he slurs Clinton as the most dishonest person in America. No mention of “foreigner” Rafael Cruz or “amnesty” Rubio. I’ll believe this schtick from Republicans when they support the Dem nominee over their own. My guess is that once Trump is the official nominee, there will be Republicans coming out of the woodwork to support him like he’s the second coming of Reagan.

I don’t know when this is going to stop until the party disintegrates, which will take some time thanks to their gerrymandering. If Trump gets nominated and loses in a landslide the Cruz wing will say it is because he wasn’t conservative enough.
Since facts (and history) have a liberal bias, Fox and Friends have been telling their audience to ignore them. So the Pubbies say the Obama administration has been a disaster (despite < 5% unemployment which even they say isn’t bad) and they don’t get pelted with eggs and tomatoes. So, when Trump gives his fact and reason-free spiel, what can they do? Ask the audience to think logically? Not hardly.

Isn’t it lovely to think so?

All mine. :smiley: But it wrote itself.