Trump defense throwing insurrectionists under bus. What does his base think afterwards?

Unless flown at a historical site, it also tells me that you’re quite likely to be a right winger, probably extremist, much more likely than not a racist. There may be some who fly it for aesthetic appeal, that circle formation does have a certain simple beauty.

One more- flying the Confederate battle flag tells me that you’re a racist and probably Republican, those those Venn circles are more or less coincident these days.

The logo for Superbowl 50 looked like LIV.

Except that we shouldnt let them co-opt that great historical flag.

Or the Betsy Ross flag or the OK sign.

Just use them as normal, ignore the assholes use of them.

I think the Nazi swastika symbol and Confederate battle flag are well done as far as the aesthetics go, but their association with vile regimes makes their use in polite circles unthinkable. Unfortunately, whatever the merits of the Gadsden flag, the fact that it’s used predominately by cretins makes the rest of us so reluctant to fly it that it sort of really is the right wing’s flag.

Yes to swastika (unless you have a old Native American blanket or something) and yes to CSA, unless you are a recreationist, but the gadsden flag has a place- however, all by itself it sends a wrong message sadly. If I had a Gadsden, Betsey Ross and Current flag- not so bad.

Why just Native American? It’s a symbol that’s been in use for centuries, if not millennia, all over the globe.

I don’t think it’s that simple. I think what used to be considered a normal display of the US flag now conveys mild connotations of Trumpism to many observers (me included). There’s a lot of context, for example what neighbors are displaying, how red or blue the neighborhood is, and what recent events are influencing the social consciousness. In response to the September 11 attacks we hung out a flag we had on hand. But now I’m not even comfortable with a flag folded up in the closet. I’m definitely more cautious when I see a flag flying, unless it’s someplace like a public school or a post office where I expect it to be there without meaning anything political.

Dont get pedantic, we all know that. Here in America the most common place you would find it is on Native American stuff.

Footnote: Cecil’s column.

:grin: :laughing: :laughing: :rofl: Forgot where you were posting, huh?

You would like to think so but . . . I got pissed off at the local postmaster after he refused to lower the flag to half mast after John McCains death. Even after the White House had done so. Thats when I found out what total assholes they really are.

Do you know if it is at half mast today?

I saw a few…

Wow. Turns out, I’m still not cynical enough.

Nope, but you just had to make go look didn’t you? It’s not. I’m guessing its too cold for his cloven hooves to handle lowering the flag today for Rush. Perhaps he is preparing a burnt offering.

The US flag may not be flown at half-staff for the hell of it. By law it should be flown at half-staff only when the Feds say so. We have a US flag at my definitely non-Trumpist condo and we follow the laws.

Here’s a site we use with constant updates on half-staffness. Hint: Limbaugh is not getting halfstaff recognition.

Actually, that’s Superbowl 55. Superbowl 50 was the Arabic number 50. This year’s Big Game looked like LIV, or 54, in my opinion.

I need filling in-why would it be half-mast today?

Thank you.

Rush Limbaugh’s death.

And its not. There is a whole spectrum of insurrectionist. Some storrm the Capitol, some are passive agressive.

Right you are, my goof.

For a govt place of business, sure, but flag code isn’t actually law for private individuals or businesses.

And for this post office, they were apparently willing to violate the law for not taking it to half mast for McCain.

As @Colibri says, Limbaugh’s death.

On my way in to work, I pass a bunch of businesses, offices, warehouses, and light industrial plants that have flags out front. A couple of them were at half staff yesterday.