Trump is ALREADY stirring up a ruckus...

Trump is not even in office and the commotion is already starting!

Is he firing people before they even have one day on the job?

I better get my popcorn going now to watch this show (was planning on a January start), look at some of the headlines today…

-John McCain: A Trump administration thaw with Russia is ‘unacceptable’
-Defiant LAPD chief says department won’t aid Trump’s deportation efforts
-Tumult in Trump’s national security transition
-Transition Briefing: Frayed Nerves and Lingering Anger
-Trump Staff Shake-Up Slows Transition
-Former congressman Mike Rogers leaves transition team
-2 Advisers Are Out, Days After Christie Was Pushed Aside
-After Talk of Revolt, House Republicans Pick Ryan to Lead
-President Obama warns against ‘a crude sort of nationalism’ taking root in U.S.
-Three NYC buildings to scrub Trump name


It’s going to be a fun 4 years (or however long it takes from him to either resign, or drop dead from a heart attack or stroke).

He tried to get high level security clearances for some of his kids. That’s pretty awful. “People are saying” that this was an attempt to get insider information for his businesses.

I’m happy to see many large cities have already said they will not cooperate with Trump’s deportation scheme and will fight back.

Los Angeles, San Francisco, Chicago, New York, Seattle, etc


He hasn’t even been sworn in yet, isn’t that a crime? That is wonderful.

Amen to that. The silver lining of the next four years is that while we don’t know precisely how bad things will get, the one thing we do know is that it won’t be boring!

Like being in a relationship with someone with borderline personality disorder.


Why would that be a crime? Trump has been getting high level briefings since before the election. Why would it be odd for the people on his transition team to be given security clearances?

Denver and Aurora Colorado police departments have signed on, also.


It may be interesting when the Federal largess stops at the city limits. Hope for their sake they don’t need new fire trucks or police cars for the next four years…

“People are saying”? Really? Has anyone verified this claim, or at least tracked this rumor back to it’s source? Did it come from an MSNBC operative, or maybe a professional dailykos bullshitter?

No, it came from Trinopus, whose consciously using a standard Trumpism against Trump himself, and is putting it in inverted commas so you will realise what he is doing.

Or, in brief, whoosh.

Is using high level security clearance to gain secret information to engage in business decisions a crime?

If we stopped paying our federal taxes in return, we’d come out ahead.

Turns out, Christie was likely dumped in retribution for an old grudge. Christie prosecuted Trump’s son-in-law’s father in New Jersey for corruption. Revenge served cold, but always served by Agent Orange.

Christie was a liability because of the investigation into his subordinates’ involvement in the bridge closure clusterfarble. My guess is that it will devolve into, “What did Christie know and when did he know it?”

(post shortened)

Is Trump stirring up a ruckus, OR is the LSM/DNC/Hillary worshippers stirring up many unverified ruckuses in order to generate advertising dollars and support?

It seems to me that only the sanctuary city issue has been verified by legitimate outside sources.

Not everyone who voted for Mrs. Clinton is a “Hillary worshiper”. Is everyone who voted for donald a “Trump worshiper”? Lots of us voted against someone in this election, sadly.

You may be on to something there… According to Trump, there is no disarray!

Headline today…
“Donald Trump denies transition disarray after sackings”


Perhaps this needs the “Duck Test”…

If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.

Or…If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, we could be ducked.