Trump is no longer funny

You implied they were when you stated in response to this post:

by saying:

It’s not true. Now, yes, you didn’t make the literal comparison, nor did I say you did. The reason that is implied via your comment is that your argument at it’s core is that the populist sentiment in both parties is willing to elect anyone base don misplaced party loyalty. The base of one party came up with Sanders, and the other party came up with Trump. The stark differences in character and integrity between the two men serve to highlight how much your statement is NOT true. More importantly, Sanders, a much better executive and man than Trump, lost fairly convincingly.

Bullshit. This is just an comment devoid of any content. As if anyone is surprised self identified members of a group tend to agree with the leaders of those groups. The point is that Dems generally do not elect awful people, unable to do their job, and completely out of step with most Americans and the rest of the world nearly as often as the GOP. More importantly, they generally don’t even let those people have a voice in the party.

It’s not the same just because you say it is. It’s not the same just because once, 25 years ago, the dems elected a drug addict as mayor of a major city. It’s not the same because the dems once elected a former KKK member to congress. Those are notable exceptions rather than a regular occurrence in the GOP.

Actually Marion Barry is the first person that came to mind when SenorBeef was trying to think of a Democratic Trump equivalent, the second would be Cynthia McKinney. The difference of course is that Barry and McKinney have a very narrow constituency, basically consisting of the citizens of his ward and her district. There is no way that such a figure could ascend to represent the party as a whole. I’ll be the first to admit that under one party Democratic rule, DC’s politics has been a mess of corruption and dysfunction, which is why I don’t want the GOP to disappear entirely, rather made less crazy and more open to working with the Democrats.

That said, I use Barry and McKinney as tests to demonstrate that I am not a true yellow dog Democrat. In an election between either of them and a moderate Republican I would go for the Republican in a heart beat. If it was either of them vs Trump, I’d start looking at what other countries might have need of a statistician.

I recognize all those words, but they don’t make sense the way you used them.:confused:

As is so often the case with those on the R side, they find one small-potato fringe example from decades ago and elevate it as a representation of all Ds everywhere-at-all-levels as PROOF POSITIVE that the other side is just like their side. The only possible answer is, “is that all you got?”

Black Plague is a disease. So is tonsillitis. Hence, they are the same.

Look, I’ve known Cunt McGillicutty for a long time, and while I don’t always agree with everything he says, I have great respect for him as a straight shooter and a man of principle. We need fresh ideas and a new perspective, and that’s what Cunt brings to the table. America could do a lot worse.

He’s blown right by the exploratory committee and straight into campaign mode.

I google a “Chutch McGillicutty”, is “Cunt McGillicutty” a mutation? A meme for the misbegotten?

See here.

By “we” I mean the media consuming public. The line of attack I was curious about was the inability of Trump to speak like an adult unless he has a teleprompter. There has been talk about him using the teleprompter to sound “more presidential” but the characterizations of Trump are more along the lines of racist or xenophobic, not childish.

I noticed you did not try to dispute the claim that Trump is like a child. I am also wondering why did you mention the number of followers at that blog?

“Trump is like a child” would have been more appropriate. More like a pit thread tho.

It’s fine if you on the left want to cling to the delusion that each party doesn’t have millions who’d vote for a crackhead, a pervert, or any other misanthrope solely on the basis of (D) or ®. Are they exactly identical? I never made that claim you folks so strenuously argue against. Have at that strawman.

Your point is that the left would vote for a Trump-like figure, maybe even Trump himself, had a little D next to his name instead of an R. You’re wrong, but you don’t seem interested in knowing whether you’re wrong or not, so this line of thought will remain unproductive.

You finally noticed that Trump’s campaign is a serious effort and posted a thread about it as soon as it became obvious to you. Congratulations.

I found it interesting that your favorite blogger only had two followers. Maybe that’s because very, very, very few people are still interested in making this claim.

FYI - You do not appear to represent the media consuming public who keep up with current events. You do, I assume, speak for yourself.

Since democrats do vote for corrupt and crooked people many of whom are now in prison or should be whereas Trump is a free man not convicted of a crime the evidence is in my favor. We’ll never know if they’d vote for someone EXACTLY like Trump since, you know, people are individuals.

You deliberately ignore that a race for mayor or state congressman or a multitude of lesser elections is nothing at all like a national campaign for president.

Ah the No True Scotsman. You deliberately ignore the fact that people vote for known criminals because of (D). Dismiss it all you want because it doesn’t fit your narrative.

The existence of Berry or McKinney as political figures would be the equivalent of Bachmann and Gohmert.

Like I’ve said many times before and will say again, it’s because he’s a Republican. :rolleyes:

Do you even know what a No True Scotsman is?

You don’t think there’s a substantial difference between some backwater state congress race from Wyoming (as a random example to demonstrate the principle), where there’s almost no news coverage and only a number of people involved, is less representative of the American electorate than the presidential election, which is the most scrutinized, most reported, most paid attention to, most voted for election with the broadest electoral base?

Your argument is essentially that if a democrat criminal is elected county dog catcher in Empty, North Dakota, then the democrats are exactly like people who vote for Trump for president.