Trump is such a dick

He said that what’s happening in Afghanistan wouldn’t have happened if he was president. It probably would have and he would have just blamed someone else.

You had me at, “Trump is such a dick”.

I don’t dispute the OP’s premise, but this is like calling Hitler a dick for throwing a glass of whiskey at a secretary. It’s not even in the 50th percentile of the 10,000 odious things Trump has said.

Of course he’d say that. Doesn’t surprise me at all, after his presidency. It’s just another variant of him taking credit for anything good and blaming anything bad on his predecessor or opposition, whether or not it’s true or makes any sense.

Well thanks for Godwinizing the thread, pal. I guess that’s the end of any possibility of serious discussion on the subject.

Agreed. It’s just one of the many that made me roll my eyes. This one bothered me enough that I had to express it somewhere. So, it was here. I’m glad you all are here so I have somewhere I can vent a bit. So, thanks you!

Nah. I don’t think it ends discussion. It’s just another part of the discussion.

What was the serious discussion here? That Donald Trump would lie in order to make himself look better? That motion was passed and carried.

I hope you’re not being serious.

Dicks gonna dick, no news there. The shitty part is that it will gain traction with both opportunistic RW politicians still in office, and their polarized, gullible electorate with voting habits equivalent to
Jumping Frenchman of Maine Syndrome .

I worry about you people sometimes.

Trump is an evil man, this should be in GD as we try to figure out what spawn of Satan he is not in politics which he has coopted for his evil purpose and the spreading of the Trump virus.

I am shocked, shocked to learn that our revered former President (and Statesman??) could be accused of making statements of derision for simply personal or political benefit! The very idea of a former world leader stooping to such a low, low standard is beyond the pail!! (Beyond the pale?? Well it is beyond something!!)

I am quite certain this fine nation would not produce an Executive Leader who is anything but forthright, sincere, and committed (or at least should be committed). There must be some explanation for this very unpresidential comment. Surely, no one would vote for such a vile creature for any high office, surely this is an error! You do not suppose the former president is . . . well, a miscreant under wraps? There is no possibly way a villain could fool half the nation and be elected is there??

Anyway, has anything else happened in the last few years that is out of the ordinary? I have been asleep and wonder what is happening of late in our distinguished national politics?

He’s loud and ugly too.

And according to Stormy Daniels, the portions are small

I guess after Godwin’s Law, Poe’s Law and similar laws in the net there will soon be a Trump’s Law as a natural succesor of them all. And people will roll their eyes when it is invoked - which will probably be a good sign, a sign that He-Who-Farts-Through-His-Mouth has had no worthy succesor. Well, worthy… you know what I mean.
Concerning the OP: I believe it is debatable. HWFTHM could reasonably be considerend a dick, a prick or a cunt.
(Yes, the spoiler is justified, as anatomy is not for the faint hearted and the link is even less so. Perhaps this belongs in the Pit? Sorry just in case).

Is there a political point to be made here? Does anyone here seriously dispute the OP?

Beyond the pale? Possibly. Beyond the orange? Not even close.

I can’t decide which thread the following best belongs in, but since I’m here, here it is:

Trump whinges that the media spent all night long talking about Hurricane Ida trashing Louisiana but hardly a word about what a fantastic deal he made with the Taliban.

I wondered this when I clicked in.