Trumpers can't do another 1/6 if Trump loses, so what do they do this time?

You can bet that if Biden is reelected, then when time comes for the Senate to do its thing, there will be massive amounts of security around the Capitol building. In other words, another 1/6 can’t happen. Nobody would be able to even get near.

What’s the Trumper plan this time then, if Trump loses but insists the election was stolen again?

Probably lawsuits in most Biden-winning states the day each state announced Biden won the vote in that state. With fomenting protests to march on the courts to “prove” how many citizens don’t beliee the charade the Biden crime family so shamelessly constructed.

The marching and wailing and threats of violence, etc., will only increase from election Day to Inauguration day.

Or at least that’s trump’s dream. Whether there are enough allies in that camp with enough organizational skill to pull it off is a different matter.

One thing is for sure. Waiting until 1/6 to try to deflect the inauguration was proven to be too little too late. They will try hard to avoid both sides of that mistake this time.

They could have marched and protested at any time in the past 3 years, but can’t be arsed to do so, for some unknown reason.

Would doing that over the last three years accomplish anything? (no snark intended btw)

ETA: @John_DiFool 2 posts up.

They’ll only do it if/when their news sources order incite them to do so. So far the various RW propaganda mouthpieces, including trump himself, have not been calling for on-street action.

You’re certainly right that spontaneous sustained action isn’t big with this crowd. So we don’t yet know how strong the clarion call will be, nor how strong the response to it will be.

We will certainly get a preview of all that stuff as the campaign roadshow gets on the road for real and we see how large, enthusiastic, and hints-of-violence-tinged they are. “They” being the media inciters, the events themselves, and the bulk of incitees.

I was just discussing this with family the other day. What I told them at the time, trying to come up with a scenario in my head on the spot, was that I don’t see another January 6th happening. What I see is the possibility of lots of marches and random violence and riots at various State houses and other government buildings.

Two caveats. The first is that I see this as an absolute worst case scenario. I don’t see it as likely and wouldn’t care to assign a numerical likelihood to it. Again the worst case scenario.

The second is that unlike the first time around I believe law enforcement will be specifically looking for this sort of thing and will crack down on it swiftly unlike last time. I made the point then that Biden will still be in the white house and I think that’ll make a difference.

And a third I guess. To echo what others have said this group has not shown itself to be capable of serious sustained action. Going to a rally or posting something stupid on the internet is far different than sustained and consistent political action. Whatever they feel the morning after election night won’t last.

I think they’re planning to “preload” the stolen election scheme. They won’t pull another January 6th, but they’re already hard at work behind the scenes trying to throw as many voters off the rolls (only Democratic-leaning ones, meaning mostly minorities and young people) as they can before the election.

Gift link:

From the article:

Calling themselves election investigators, the activists have pressed local officials in Michigan, Nevada and Georgia to drop voters from the rolls en masse. They have at times targeted Democratic areas, relying on new data programs and novel legal theories to justify their push.

In one Michigan town, more than 100 voters were removed after an activist lobbied officials, citing an obscure state law from the 1950s. In the Detroit suburb of Waterford, a clerk removed 1,000 people from the rolls in response to a similar request. The ousted voters included an active-duty Air Force officer who was wrongly removed and later reinstated.

The purge in Waterford went unnoticed by state election officials until The New York Times discovered it. The Michigan secretary of state’s office has since told the clerk to reinstate the voters, saying the removals did not follow the process laid out in state and federal law, and issued a warning to the state’s 1,600 clerks.

They’re also going to enlist as much foreign subversion ahead of the election as they possibly can. I heard it reported this morning that Trump is considering rehiring Paul Manafort to run his 2024 campaign.

Expect Russia, China, Iraq, North Korea and other foreign adversaries to mess with our elections through social media misinformation as they possibly can – and as much as we allow it.

Still thinking on this, and to expand on this point a little, it may look organized at first. And there certainly will be organized efforts behind the scenes so to speak, but I think it will be a mix of that along with truly spontaneous action.

Trumpers can’t do another 1/6 if Trump loses, so what do they do this time?

Are you kidding? They’re not known for their creativity, so I’d bet they think “Hey, it almost worked last time, let’s give it a shot!”

My gut feeling is that this election is Trump’s last chance. If he loses, the MAGA faithful will (on the whole) have had enough. After a certain amount of losing, your invincible strongman loses his appeal. There will be bitching and minor protests and one-off reprehensible acts. But I don’t see another version of “Patriotic Uprising!”

As @Aspenglow points out, that means the ratfuckery to steal the election in advance will be at a peak level.

They’re not going to do shit. All this talk about what “might” happen if Trump is not elected is a load of empty bullshit. Keep on making threats, keep on gnashing your teeth - it wont make a difference when your effing hero loses, again. I wont say nothing at all will occur, as there certainly can be threats of violence, but these people have proven to be keyboard cowards when it comes to actually “doing” something - action seems be for others.

And if some group of nutcases tries some sort of 1/6 crap again, law enforcement should make a very clear and public statement: “If you come near this statehouse, courthouse, or any other government building with the intent to cause violence, we WILL shoot your ass!”

I agree the Republicans are doing their darndest to prime the pump with the whole scrubbing of voter roles and disenfranchising specific groups ahead of the election, and already casting doubt about election “integrity”, but hopefully they wont be enough.

I agree that most of the violence, if it occurs, will be before the election. Look for attacks on urban polling places in swing states – either in the days before the election, to make them unusable (and scare off blue voters), or on election day, just to kill as many Demonrats as they can.

Not only will they try to do it again on January 6, they’ll try to do it at the state level in battleground states when the electors gather.

There are election-deniers in positions of power all over the U.S. They’ll simply refuse to certify the election.

This is really the nightmare scenario isn’t it? After maga supporters in these positions of power simply refuse to certify what happens next? Constitutional crisis almost certainly. Does it go to the supreme court? THIS supreme Court?

By far the best way to take over a country is from the inside where everything appears to be handled legally, albeit in extraordinary circumstances.

All the pro forma stuff is followed, but the reality beneath the surface is completely that of cards being dealt off the bottom of crooked dice.

I think perhaps the 1265 people who were charged in relation to the January 6 violence, and the 467 who received jail time might have put a bit of a damper on the enthusiasm.

One would hope so. But rational cost-benefit analysis, hell even basic cause-effect analysis, ain’t real strong with this crowd neither.

The USA has a very large supply of Cletus.

To be clear, I’m certainly not worried that these mobs will accomplish much of anything. To the degree they engage in voter intimidation on election day in places that don’t have mail-in voting, that could be locally huge. Which could, with extreme bad fortune, move the national needle enough.

Anything else will be collectively pinprick annoyances rapidly put down by law enforcement.

This supreme court is no particular friend of Trump. While they are definitely far right, ideologically they are more of a McConnell court than they are a Trump court, and would probably prefer Trump to just go away. They have found against him on a large number of election related cases. They did vote to keep him on the ballot and left open the immunity decision until late, but that was IMHO an attempt to avoid being seen as kingmaker in the election.

If Trump tries to use them to overthrow democracy, and the rule of law (and therefor their power as arbiters of that law) I doubt that a majority of them will go along with it