A preliminary list of Trump’s Cabinet picks has been released…and they are pretty much what some have hoped and others have feared.
For Attorney General, the picks include Chris Christie, Jeff Sessions and Rudy Giuliani, Sarah “Quitty” Palin is on the short list to become Secretary of the Interior, and Newt Gingrich and John Bolton are both on the list for Secretary of State.
Well, every cabinet needs a good looking woman to keep the boys chipper …
On a side note, but not a minor one(considering the major policy proposals involved), Trump has appointed religious right activist Ken Blackwell as the leader of his Domestic Policy Team. Anti-abortion, anti-anything but straight, anti-anything but Christian: There will be none of that “Separation of Church and State” crap coming from this White House, if he has anything to say about it.
Remember Rick Perry? Laughed out of the primaries in 2012 & just ignored (along with the other ignorables) this year?
Concerning Ken Blacksell, mentioned above. Trump probably has some “liberal” social opinions; for example, he hasn’t said anything anti-gay. But all those who contributed to his “win” are gathering around–and they want their piece of the action. He won’t be all that hands-on or detail-oriented, so he’ll probably let the nutcases do as they wish…
Jesus fucking christ.
That’ll be outlawed -
Not having been particularly political at the time, how much worse does this look than Bush’s picks?
I would accept Shrub and his entire Cabinet over this mess in a heartbeat.
What does that tell you?
That maybe it’s so bad that there is a backlash? (I’m reaching for silver linings here)
The time for a backlash was eight or nine trumpstakes ago.
Jesus “Fuckin’” Christ is on the shortlist for Secretary of Godstuff.
So much for the idea that Trump will not be a threat to LGBT rights. Blackwell almost single-handedly destroyed gay rights in Ohio. Wait for Trump’s Supreme Court nomination(s).
A “basket of deplorables,” indeed.
Is she still attractive enough for Trump to grab her by the pussy?
I had Christie pegged for Department of Transportation. Say what you will, the man has a keen interest in studying transportation, especially on our nation’s aging bridges.
No, I’m pretty sure he would not want to have anything to do with this.
“Elections have consequences” is going to get thrown around a lot in the next few months.
So much for any faint hope that Trump was just posturing to get the low-information vote and might actually have an ounce of reason when it comes to governing. The list is unbelievable. It’s like there was a contest to find the worst crackpots in the whole country and Trump corralled all of them.
This is the worst of the worst – idiots and lunatics, bigots, regressive reactionaries from the 18th century. To make it even more tragically laughable, each one seems to have been picked to exploit their particular unique lunacy – John Bolton for State, of course, since Bolton despises the UN and has nothing but contempt for other countries; Sarah Palin for Interior, of course, since she hates the environment, believes global warming is a hoax, and want to drill for oil everywhere, especially in national parks and wildlife refuges. Expect drilling to begin in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge just about as soon as the idiots are sworn in. Trash what’s left of nature, crank up the emissions and trash the planet, and let the Oil Economy begin.
There is no way that the country will be able to recover from any of this.
One of them is to make people like me to get more involved. As noted many times before, electing Trump has already shown that the consequences are for the very ignorant to take control of the ship of state.
What’s your opinion of the possible Cabinet picks?
Shrub’s people were old pros. Evil old pros, in some cases.
Many of Trump’s are straight from the loony bin. With little political experience.
Bush’s picks would try to secretly milk the cow dry over a period of time.
Trump’s picks would try to slaughter the cow with a chainsaw on day 1, burn the burgers, then send out for Chinese and put it on our bill.