Trump's mental state

A couple of days ago, Trump seemed confused about who is leading North Korea.

Of course, Kim Jong-il was North Korea’s leader when Clinton was in office, and Kim Jong-un has only been in power since 2011. Trump seems to think they are the same guy.

Yesterday Trump said Luciano Pavarotti is a great friend – even though Pavarotti has been dead for ten years.

And Trump said that Korea used to be part of China. Trump said Chinese President Xi Jinping told him this, and South Korea’s government said, ‘No, we weren’t.’ I don’t know Korean history, but I’m guessing that if the Korean peninsula was part of China, it was a couple-thousand years ago. If so, Trump would be correct on a technicality, but, if true, it was so long ago it isn’t relevant.

I think everyone is aware of my opinion of Trump’s truthfulness. We needn’t go there. I want to hear opinions of his mental state. When you’re giving a speech on a foreign country, you really should know the name of that country’s leader, at the very least. Forgetfulness is concerning. And Trump has a tendency to believe everything he’s told, and regurgitating the factoids without checking to see if they’re true. Not only did he take Xi’s statement (if Xi really made the statement) as true, but he credulously bought into the wire-tapping thing and other conspiracy theories. NPD and untruthfulness aside, those being longstanding traits of his, is Trump currently losing his mind?

He still doesn’t know what’s in the new healthcare bill that congress may or may not be voting on.

Trump is ignorant, credulous and intellectually challenged. As a president, he’s not fit to shovel shit from one place to another.

But is this a sign of senility or some other brain disorder? Maybe.

Seems to me, his narcissism and intellectual incompetence has been a life-long affliction. It’s just amplified now as more scrutiny and pressure is brought to bear on what has always been a set of limited mental and personal faculties.

Trump is focused on two things and two things only. Family and Business, and those two things are intertwined.

I don’t think he ever wanted, or intended to be president, and just saw it as as good way to boost his brand. He will continue to delegate the job to his family members, cronies and sycophants.

It’s not that he’s stupid, it’s just that he doesn’t care about the details. China? Korea? To him it’s all the same. As long as he can continue to run his businesses there and make loads of money it’s all good.

Is he mentally unstable? You be the judge.

Isn’t the whole point of an IMHO thread that he wants to hear what you think?

It seems to me that he has become very forgetful. During the campaign, his denial of things he said or did despite the video and other documented evidence, might be an effect of (his assumed) NPD. Now, he must have been briefed on current events, and he seems to forget the details.

That’s what this thread is for. :wink:

ETA: ^ Beaten by Dewey Finn.


The more you talk, the more misstatements you make. The less you care about the misstatements you make, the more misstatements you make.

Trump doesn’t care, and he talks a lot. It’s like where he was talking about eating dessert when it was announced that they bombed Iraq, by which he meant Syria.

“Never apologize, never explain” means that you are never on the defensive. Does this mean he’s senile? He’s been doing it all his life.

Trump is not a normal politician, and he doesn’t play by the normal rules. If he played by the normal rules, he would never have made it to the White House. He isn’t going to change now.

I really think the Democrats are missing something I learned way early in my martial arts career - one of the hardest people to fight is a big, strong, crazily aggressive opponent who knows nothing about fighting. Because he doesn’t make the right mistakes. That kind of fighter doesn’t always win; he doesn’t even usually win. But to beat him, you have to adjust your approach. Because if you don’t, you stand an unpleasantly high chance of getting hurt, even if you win in the end.


Leave Don alone, he’s cool.*

*us stoners got to stand up for one another.

I agree with this analogy. Maybe because I have spent a considerable amount of time practicing martial arts as well and have faced exactly this type of opponent.
What you’re describing is a mistake that not only democrats but also republicans made in the primary. They tried to deal with Trump according to the rules you would afford a more or less equally skilled opponent. They gave him the respect he did not deserve or extend them.

What they should have done is stood up collectively and called him an imbecile who did not deserve to be on the same stage with qualified adults. Nobody did that. So the big orange imbecile dragged them down to his level and beat them using his own rules.

That said, I do not grant that this proves he’s the superior politician or that he’s intellectually competent (smart/clever). He’s neither of these things. What he is is lucky that his opponents insisted on treating him as an equal among them, in spite of all evidence to the contrary.

It’s 4/21. Maybe take a break today. :wink:

Not exactly on point, but I couldn’t resist.

I think he’s clearly unstable, narcissistic and extremely unpredictable, which some of his ardent followers think is a feature and not a bug.

I don’t think he’s slowly losing his mind. I think he’s been this way for years and until now nobody really cared. Now that he is in a position to launch a preemptive nuclear strike if someone makes fun of him publicly has a lot of rational people concerned.

These are my thoughts too (get out of my head, demon!). Narcissism, intellectually incompetent, a major bullshitter, and now he has a global magnifying glass upon him to expose what a mental midget he really is. Without a millionaire daddy to set him up in NYC, he would’ve been, at best, Buddy Garrity. We’ve got a small-town car salesman as our president.

It’s downright uncanny how EVERY Republican president in the last 40 years has been stupid/incompetent/brain-damaged somehow.


(Except possibly Bush the Elder. And by a strange coincidence, he was the most liberal of the lot.)

Don’t look at Democrats. Republicans only have themselves to blame.

Trump had Palin, Kid Rock and Nugent at the White House for four hours, giving them the big tour, feeding them, and letting them fellate him. Who you choose as friends reflects your own character, which pretty much defines Trump as a scumbag.

Uncanny, yes. And it’s a downward slope. I trust and pray, however, there’s no more room to drop.

Since this thread is about Trump’s apparent mental lapses, which appear to have manifested themselves somewhat recently (again, not counting the intentional ‘forgetting’), the mental states and/or abilities of past presidents may be better suited to another thread.

I’m sure Luciano Pavarotti would have attended if he didn’t have a previous commitment.

Ooops… I see it’s already mentioned by OP.

Another way of phrasing it I’ve heard is that the best swordsman in the world doesn’t fear the second-best swordsman; he fears the worst swordsman.

And Flyer, neither Nixon nor Ford were stupid nor incompetent. Nixon was certainly crooked, and Ford might have been as well, but both were competent.