Trying to track down a crackpot's span of ideas

In one of the recent threads on relativity, FTL and causation, I started idly surfing links provided and came across one John Henry Ryskamp. He is not TimeCube crazy, but he seems to have the overvalued idea that he has seen the light and can disprove Godel, Cantor, Pythagoras, and relativity. If even mildy interested, see here, here, and here for some examples of his ideas and critiques thereof. He is more literate and intelligent than the usual nutjob, but still presents with that mix of grandiosity, condescension and puzzling assumption that his obscurity is profundity that connoisseurs of crank recognise so well.

Interestingly (to me at least) most cranks of this order are fixated in one relatively small area of endeavour, like trisecting the angle or somesuch. This guy’s fixation is about the principles of mathematics (gibberish about “natural mathematics” and how all logic results in paradox until you insert an arbitrary construction in to defeat it, which construction must then be discovered). At this level, I get how he can imagine he can go after Cantor and the lads.

But he seems to spread his wings more widely to economics as well (apparently non-ironically describing himself as brilliant).

And it seems that someone of his name has also written on the subject of Eminent Domain and Bill of Rights issues, and claims to be an attorney. The general style and cast of thought suggest its all the same guy.

But I found someone by his name involved in litigation with the Internal Revenue. Good chance it’s the same guy - representing himself in the Supreme Court, etc.

The pages I found on his litigation with the CIR required me to go to register with commercial services which purported to be free but whose safety I am not sure of. I am nevertheless keen to see his tax arguments, either in his own filings or as reported in judgments along the route of appeals he is taking - if it’s the same guy, I am keen to see how his ideas about Cantor get him to tax crankery.

My google-fu is weak. Can someone help me with sites that link to the documents I am looking for that don’t require registration with commercial services?