Tuckerfan's Moral Dilemma

Sorry to be vague in this post, folks but I can’t go into too many details some of the reasons will be explained below. If anyone needs more information to give me an answer, e-mail me and I’ll provide a few more details on the condition that you agree not to share the information.

Let’s say that X is a bad thing which could happen. How bad X is depends upon a lot of variables. X could be something minor or X could be something major. X may not even happen at all (highly unlikely, but still possible).

Y is a very bad thing which is quite likely to happen, but might not happen at all. However, if X occurs in a worst case scenerio, it most definately will cause Y. Additionally, if Y occurs, it could cause a worst case scenerio X to happen as well (though possibly not). Are you with me so far?

There are people who could either prevent X from happening or at least lessen it to the extent that Y doesn’t happen because of X. I have told them about X, but they don’t seem to be interested. If I tell enough people about X, it most likely won’t happen, but Y will (assuming I get those people to listen about X).

Additionally, if I make too much noise about the possibility of X happening, I could end up in an awkward situation (nothing disasterous, but certainly not enjoyable). Yet, if I don’t speak up and get someone to do something about X and it comes to pass (in a worst case scenerio), I’m going to feel like I’ve compromised some of my fundamental principles. I’ll feel pretty much the same way if I make a ruckus about X and it causes Y to happen.

Finally, its also possible that I’m blowing this all out of proportion, but I don’t know. All I do know is that not having any answers is gnawing at me. Part of me says I should just put it out of my mind and not worry about it, and another part of me says that I should shout it from the rooftops.

Oh man, I don’t do math anymore.

Is it a personal situation, or job related?

Wow. Mrs. Martin was right. I really do use algebra after high school.

Job. My finding another job won’t stop any of this from happening, BTW.

Let me see if I have this straight. If X (worst case) occurs, then Y will definately occur. If Y occurs, then X (worst case) could occur. The people you’ve already told could prevent X from happening, and can definately prevent Y from happening, but don’t seem inclined, so you feel you’re in danger of compromising your principles. If you tell a lot of people about it, X probably won’t happen, but Y definately will, you’ll be in an awkward situation, and you’ll feel that you’ve compromised you’re principles.

Well. Interesting. If I have it right, I would suggest that you try to convince the people who already know about it to do Z, as that has the best chance of preventing both X and Y from happening, as well as preserving your principles.

I think I speak for most people when I say HUNH?!? You can send me an email if you want my oh-so-learned opinion, Tuckerfan. I promise not to spill the beans.

Don’t do anything to get yourself in trouble. If there’s someway you could contact the people that can prevent X anonymously, that would be best, IMO.

Is this what you’re saying?
X can cause Y.
Y can cause X.
Y tends to be worse than X.
You can warn people about X, although doing so would be problematic for some reason.
You cannot warn people about Y.
Your question is, should you warn people about X.

Is that a correct summary? You do not mention how severe the adverse effects of warning people about X would be. You need to compare these adverse effects to the potential adverse effects of Y. It sounds like Y would be worse. Therefore you have to warn them.

You do not not explan why you cannot warn people about Y. It wold seem that you need to warn about both Y and X, since either of them could precede the other.

Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t be sure of the proper course of action based on the info you provided. All I can say is that if x and y relate to certain people and their actions, I would discuss directly with the one(s) that I considered friends or the one(s) who may have a result out of proportion to their transgression (if that’s even applicable).

I’m probably looking at this from the wrong angle, so feel free to email additional details if you’d like. I will keep your info in confidence.

Good luck.

Actually, I should have mentioned that Y is a well-known possibility and one that folks are trying to prevent (in theory). And I have warned people about X, however, they don’t seem to be very concerned about it. Basically what I’m wondering is if instead of whispering to people about X, I should start shouting (but if I do that, it’ll cause Y. The phrase “whistleblower” does apply.

We met at the Nashville DopeFest, & as I recall, you work at a facility funded by government?

I work in Tennessee State Government.

If you are involved in Tennessee government at the local or State level, and you whistle-blow, the only thing that ever happens is that you will get the shaft.

If this is correct, & you are not responsible of X, then document the fact that you told everybody, & then cover your *ss.

The “Good Old Boy” network operates on the principle of “Has anybody died from it yet?” If the answer is “No”, then nothing is done. This is why our State budget has gone to hell, as well as many other things.

The only person who ever loses their career is the guy who blows the whistle.

A year or two ago, a guy in Transportation blew the whistle on some unsafe conditions, & they flushed his career after 25 years on the state payroll.

If you haven’t shot your mouth off too much, send some documentation to the Nashville Scene, or another news outlet, anonymously. Otherwise, shut up & cover yourself.

I’ve been burned trying a minor stunt like this.

Is this a local thing?

Nada. And Bosda thanks for the advice, I don’t work for any type of government funded operation, but indeed, you’re probably right. I hate being enigmatic about all of this, but even if I’m totally wrong about everything, it could still cause problems and not just for me. (I’m really not concerned about losing my job, I’m looking for another one anyway.)

Which compromises your fundamental principles more: to let X and potentially Y happen, or to let Y alone happen?

If neither happens, and you’ve told enough to make life uncomfortable for you, can you live with that and having not compromised your principles?

Well, if Y happens on its own, and doesn’t trigger X, I won’t be too stressed out about it since it’s a “hung with their own rope” type of situation. X is what worries me, it’s the big variable that can wreck everything, but making a big stink about it, in all likelihood will cause Y to happen. Its a “damned if you do and damned if you don’t” situation for me, I think.

Yo! Tuck! Is this connected with the State Budget thing? Like everything else seems to be, lately?

Nope. I’ll give you a hint though, it could be similar to the Worldcom thing.