I do not believe feces to be kosher.;j :wink:

Really? I wonder whether a GQ about how the jewish dietary laws relate to feces would be appreciated?

  • Bubba.

I didn’t know *lieu was Jewish…

Well, that was some crappy coding! HAW!HAW!HAW!

Mole dumplings with two scoops rice and mac salad sounds ono!

Put gravy on top!


Still confused? Try the melody to Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.

It’s a stream of consciousness thing of beauty.

I love this stuff. Keep 'em coming, GlarGH.


Is that mole as in the little underground chappie, or the thing on your skin, or is it mole (molé) as in the Mexican sauce, to go with the dumpling?

I think we should be told.

Does this cell phone make my ass look hippy TOADLUMP?

OK, OK glarGh.
I’ll pay the ransom.

Ah, glarGh. The most profane performance artist since G G Allin…

I vote for mole (molé) as in the Mexican sauce.

But perhaps I shouldn’t, as that tends to suggest that a strictly linear interpretation is possible. I’m not sure that’s the kind of slippery slope glarGH wants to start going down.

mikester, you didn’t get my hilarious “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang” reference?

::hangs head in shame::

[sub]At least NutMagnet got it…[/sub]

No, your ass makes your ass look hippy TOADLUMP.

I got it, Dooku, and thanks to YOU I’ll be singing it in my head all dam nite. Grrrrrrrrrrrrr.