I’ve been reading about Turkeys accession negotiations to join the EU, and I’m skeptical, considering the eastern half of Turkey is very poor, accession would mean they would eventually get Visa free travel to anywhere in the EU to work and live, and most of them would come to Western Europe to work.
But I’m open to changing my mind on the subject, but I’m at a stretch as to what the Turkish could do to bring positive change or contribution to the European Union.
Yeah, giving tens of millions of people whose only relation to Europe is a tiny toehold conquered via warfare and who aren’t part of the European cultural tradition free and permanent access to Europe is surely a good idea. Diversity is our strength and everyone knows the concepts that comprise the Western way of life, such as freedom of religion, non-violence and constitutional republics, are very important to Muslims.
The Muslims may have been stopped at the border of France and then at the gates of Vienna, by the grace of God, the third time will be charm. They have a force more powerful than any army – they have millions of leftists desperate to signal their support for ‘human rights’ and Islam on their side.
If you don’t agree that Europe needs some cultural enrichment from people who earn 10K/year and whose polity was in near-continuous decline for three centuries, you’re obviously Islamophobic and probably also racist.
They wouldn’t be the lowest per capita GDP in the EU.
They have a higher fertility rate (although only right around replacement) and shrinking populations are are issue within the EU.
At $1.5 Trillion total GDP it would add about 8% to the size of the joint EU economy. That’s a decent expansion to the markets covered by the free trade provisions.
For the Islamophobes, they are already seeing heavy immigration of Muslims from countries that don’t have Turkey’s secular and democratic tradition. Which fits better with the cultures they are so worried about protecting?
Most of the bigger military powers in Europe are already tied to Turkey by NATO. This brings security issues that already affect the EU into the EU structure directly.
More Black Sea resorts for holiday within the EU free travel area.
The proposed positives of Turkey’s membership into the EU are usually listed in the same way as in this article: an article listing the for and against.
5 years ago I might have argued vehemently for the positives of Turkey’s inclusion in the EU. Now I don’t see why Turkey should bother with membership to the EU except maybe to get whatever benefits it can out of continuing to flirt with the idea.
They are doing all of this without the EU. It almost seems like all the predicted benefits of joining the EU are occurring without having joined the EU. So there is no need to bother.
Don’t you have to join the Eurozone to join the EU now? If I were Turkey (and I can’t be, since I’m a person not a country), there’s no way I would join the Eurozone.
Turky has a well functioning economy and it could provide a young workforce to an aging Europe. I am for Turkey’s accession to EU but the Union is influenced by too many political factors to realize the advantages of having Turkey as one of its members.
Turkey has been a democracy longer than a number European countries, not just the already mentioned Spain and Portugal, but all the former East Block countries and arguably Greece.
Bigoted claptrap and not even terribly original bigoted claptrap.
Is that including periods of military rule? Because Turkey appears to have had a coup as recently as 1980 which lasted until 1983 which would make it a longer-lasting continuous democracy than any Eastern Bloc country but shorter than Greece, Spain, or Portugal.
Cannot think of many positives for Turkey. The time for Turkey to join the EU was 10 or so years ago, but since then the EU has been shown to be a big ponzi scheme* and the Turkish economy has gone from strength to strength and the Turks have started towards the Gulf, C Asia and Far East, where the action is, not tired austerity ridden Europe.
*Yes I know thats not totally accurate, but the Great Recession and the Euro Debt crises has seriously eroded one of the EU’s attractions… the Economy.
Turkey suffers from civil rights infractions not common among the other EU nations, and is, culturally-speaking, not entirely harmonious with the major players in the EU.
As I said, it could be good or bad. There are obvious red flags to keep in mind. The EU is an outgrowth of post-WW2 idealism, and barely maintains usefulness as it is. Adding Turkey and its authoritarian-leaning president to the mix could be quite volatile.
Technically, and it’s not immediate as many members will adopt it but haven’t yet. But UK, Sweden, and Denmark at least are EU members who are unlikely to adopt the Euro anytime soon if at all (Norway and Iceland are not in the EU). Polling is around mid-5x% “NO” in Scandinavia, more strongly against in UK.
Danish krone is pegged to the Euro though but allowed to opt-out.
Andorra, Monaco, Vatican, and San Marino are non-EU members who are allowed to use it. They don’t make their own official coins except as collector’s items. Kosovo and Montenegro use it de facto.
In principle expanding the EU and collapsing barriers against travel and trade are always good things. At the present moment, it’s tough to see Turkish EU membership as a realistic possibility.
On one side, letting Turkey in would bring an enormous Muslim population into the EU at a time when many European countries are already having with problems from radicalized Muslim individuals and a Muslim community that’s not integrating well.
On the other side, the European Union’s financial situation continues to teeter on the brink of disaster and its political leadership seems unable to lead at all.
Not exactly a situation that begs for a Turkish entrance.
This was a distinct, much-talked-about possibility some five-ten years ago. These days, not so much.
Mind you, the Turks themselves have clearly given up on the idea, and have, under Erdogan and Davutoglu, pivoted towards the Arab, Islamic, and “ex-Ottoman” world at large - with some success, I might add.