This is Canada; it gets cold here in winter. This is an accepted fact. It’s been a nice winter so far, but it is still cold enough to wear a jacket every day. And every freepin’ person in the mall has a jacket on. Do you think, Mr. Store Owner, that you could manage to turn the heat down a little so us jacketed folks aren’t keeling over from heat exhaustion in the aisles? I know you have workers in there who don’t have jackets on, but the customers outnumber them by about 10 to one, and we’re dying here. It’s the same damn thing every winter; has it never once occurred to the store people that everyone shopping there has at least one extra layer of clothes on, that usually includes a parka that’s rated to -30 C and waterproof, insulated boots (also known as “the sweat collectors”)?
There’s not a store in Canada that isn’t paying lip service to customer service; you know what real customer service would be? Acknowledging and fulfilling the needs of your customers, like the need to shop for Christmas presents without a ride to the emergency room for dehydration. Thank you. Much appreciated.