TV Minister Benny Hinn hoist with own petard.

According to the Los Angeles Times business section some San Bernardino County, CA con artists took some “true believers,” and the Benny Hinn Ministries organization as well, for $160 million. I think it is hilarious that Hinn, who IMHO is one of the consumate scammers, got scammed.

Link, please?

As soon as I can remember my LA Times user name I’ll get it for you. I used my own name but I registered with the Times before I realized that in using it I shouldn’t add things like _ or - to it.


There’s the relevant info.

Link, registration required.

“Give the lort a mighty hand!” “Praise Jaysus!”

I love Benny Hinn. That 's the funniest shit on TV. And it’s inspirational. “This is your daaaaayy! This is your day!”

Ah, just when all was bleak and dreary something happens to brighten my day. :slight_smile:

I’m imagining Benny Hinn and company chasing around after Setser with Benny Hill music going in the background …