TV repair question

Dude, you’ve had a 29" TV for ten years? I just got a 27 and a DVD player last year and thought it was the cat’s ass.

I just wanted to point out that you’ve been living large. But since this is GQ, I’ll supply some links, too.

TV care tips

How Things Work

I would say 3 feet is far enough.I guess I assumed closer.

frogstein, then you haven’t hung out with techs much cause we all want to know date, model & manf. Yes, they are specific.

“had a 29” TV for ten years?"

I didnt know you could buy a 29" set :slight_smile:

Well, you believe wrong, handy. Stick to your own little area of techspertise. Oh, and just exactly what IS that area? It sure isn’t the effect of external electromagnetic fields on the efficacy of CRT display units.

To degauss a CRT, one either makes use of the built-in circuit, OR one finds a degaussing ring and makes use of it as per the instructions.

Unplugging a CRT won’t do bupkus for a degaussing problem. This IS my area of expertise, I’ve been handling field monitors and video gear for 20 years. :slight_smile:

Note: A ring-type degausser is what you need. DO NOT buy the pencil-type degausser at Radio Shack and think you will solve the problem. They are made to degauss the tape heads on audio tape recorders only. Good luck.

I must agree with the posters who urge you to buy a NEW t.v. If it only takes degaussing by a pro, then go for it. If they try to sell you on ANY kind of a repair, then bag the unit. You will get a few brand new pieces, inside of a 10-year-old t.v. set. You know something else will die soon. P’raps best to put it out of it’s misery now, before anyone gets hurt. :wink:


Oh, quit with the insults Cartooniverse. I said that I believe they have their own degaussing & you don’t agree? Well take a look at these:

RE: DeGauss Panasonic 20’ TV

* Posted by: paco1 ( on Wed, Jul 11, 01 at 20:47

What room is the tv in? The tv can be degaussed with a degaussing coil, but it sound like theres something in that room causing the problem.The tv will auto degauss evertime its turned on, but the auto degauss is not as strong as a manual degauss. Good luck

You said: " Unplugging a CRT won’t do bupkus for a degaussing problem. This IS my area of expertise, I’ve been handling field monitors and video gear for 20 years"

“Hey, there’s a purple spot on my TV (or monitor)”

Most TV sets have a built-in degaussing circuit that works every time the set is turned on. To try this circuit, turn off the unit and let it cool down for a while. One hour would not be too long. The thermistor that controls the degaussing coil in some TV sets must be dead cold to get the full degaussing effect. Other units aren’t so particular. After the set is cool, simply turn it on to degauss.
Toshiba Digital: Televisions
… DVDs Have the Following Standard Features: TV: Coaxial Digital Audio Output; Dolby
Digital … Zoom Mode; Auto Channel Set; Auto Degauss; Last Channel Recall; V-Chip; Multi …