TV Shows you're glad DID get cancelled

I tapdance on the grave of Farscape…

The Anna Nicole Smith Show and The Osbournes.


WHAT?! People are still watching that crap?

I second (or third) X-Files after Duchovney left. Not only did the writing go downhill (thought the decline was apparent even prior to his departure), but I always had a sense of dread that at any moment Scully was going to turn around and be slaughtered by the T-1000.

I grew up in NJ and am used to the various accents of the Northeast, but am I the only one that was irritated by Doggett’s NY accent?

Why? It rocks! :smiley:

Voyager, Futurama, please, please someone take the piss out of these endlessly please!


Boy, this show went down the toilet.

I just watched an episode on F/X… it was from the later seasons, with Winchester and Klinger playing a more prominent role. Gah. Each character screamed their lines for 30 minutes. The pompous Alan Alda should have been beaten with a rubber hose.

Talk about a show that continued to slide after the first season. After Henry left, then Trapper, the show died a slow, painful death. The reruns prove it.

Full House - how this show lasted beyond a pilot continues to amaze and confuse. Bob Saget is another candidate for the rubber hose treatment.

Archie Bunker’s Place - yet another show that should have never appeared.

One of the reasons Seinfeld will be remembered fondly is because it went out on top (relatively). Friends is becoming a painful reminder of why a show should go away sooner rather than later.

Televison Without Pity says that Anna Nicole’s excrutiatingly insipid show are on “permanent hiatus.” Rejoice and be exceedingly glad!


Boy, this show went down the toilet.

I just watched an episode on F/X… it was from the later seasons, with Winchester and Klinger playing a more prominent role. Gah. Each character screamed their lines for 30 minutes. The pompous Alan Alda should have been beaten with a rubber hose.

Talk about a show that continued to slide after the first season. After Henry left, then Trapper, the show died a slow, painful death. The reruns prove it.

Full House - how this show lasted beyond a pilot continues to amaze and confuse. Bob Saget is another candidate for the rubber hose treatment.

Archie Bunker’s Place - yet another show that should have never appeared.

One of the reasons Seinfeld will be remembered fondly is because it went out on top (relatively). Friends is becoming a painful reminder of why a show should go away sooner rather than later.

Survivor…oh wait, I was fantasizing again, wasn’t I?

I’m still thanking God that Liza and David’s show never happened. What a horrible, horrible idea.

Freaks and Geeks

I played D&D, I’ve watched Star wars countless times, I went to LAN parties, I collected comic books, I was watching anime before toonami every started. My life was NOTHING like that show. I mean just cause I’m a geek dosn’t mean my life sucked anymore than any one eles in high school.

Twin Peaks. I know it was mentioned in the other thread, but that series deserved to die. Lynch was right – finding out who killed Laura Palmer was the kiss of death for that show. The later subplots were barely watchable. I adore the series, and I still watch it frequently, but I’ll always stop the tape right around where Laura’s killer dies. After that, it’s not really worth the effort.

Sounds like you were a geek in the 90s, when it became cool to be one. Believe me, it was much different in the 80s, when that show was set.

I posted earlier but it got 'et.

While it hasn’t been cancelled I’m happy that they’ve stopped making Red Dwarf. Since season 6 it had been getting progressivly worse by starting to take itself too seriously. That’s also about the time that the creative team split and the guy who stayed on (Doug Naylor) is just too much of a romantic for the show to survive as a comedy. :frowning:

Plus Chris Barrie pulled a Matthew Perry (got fat).

The Simpsons.

What? No, see, in my world it was cancelled long ago.

I’m happy, someone mentioned MAS*H
God that show was crap!

Lord, how that show made me want to vomit… or do serious damage upon the idiot holding the remote control.

Belay that rejoicing, dopers. Anna’s just in PH because not enough people watched/read the recaps/commented on the boards. They stopped recapping it to save bandwidth, but that never-ending trainwreck will continue for at least one more season.

Pretty much every sitcom that aired after Friends until Scrubs came along: Veronica’s Closet, Jesse, The Single Guy, etc. Sometimes the slowest half hour of TV viewing, they all stunk.

Two Guys, A Girl, And A Pizza Place. The Muzak of TV shows.

Family Matters. Proof of the approaching end of civilization.

That trainwreck of a show on Comedy Central where Colin Quinn and four drunken idiots tried to rip off Politically Incorrect. I forgot the real name, I thought of it as: Loudmouth Drunk Roundtable.


The Andy Griffith Show and Seinfeld are the only series to leave TV ranked number 1 by Nielsons.


Well, I suppose one could argue that MAS*H was too, seeing as how it had the most popular series finale of all time, but I guess the real question is…are you glad that they were cancelled?