TV Shows you're glad DID get cancelled

I can’t believe I’ve read this far and no one’s mentioned Baby Bob.
[sub]and there’s two mentions of Futurama![/sub]

Yesterday I saw "Ferris Beuller’s Day Off on TV. Always liked that movie. It reminded me how much I HATED the sitcom they tried to make from it.

I loved MASH, in the early years. I even thought Mike Farrell and Harry Morgan were good, but after Radar left, it just tanked. I’ve always felt it should have ended 3 years before it did.

I can’t believe we’re up to message #42 and nobody has mentioned the hilariously short run of David E. Kelley’s “girls club.”

Two episodes.

The show had more commercials aired during the World Series, in minutes, than the number of minutes in its entire run.

Despite the astounding level of suckitude the show displayed, I felt bad for it because I was almost in it. My best friend and I were going to a Giants game one day when we practically stumbled through the set by accident - it was filmed in San Francisco - and damn near tripped over Gretchen Mol, who is, by the way, really short. We asked a bystander what they were filing and he said in a bored voice, “I dunno, but it looks like it really sucks.”

Well, exactly!

Incidentally, both “girls club” and “That 80’s Show” starred Chyler Leigh. Chyler Leigh is the Typhoid Mary of TV serieses; if she’s in it, cancellation is imminent:

girls club (2 episodes and gone)
That 80’s Show (apparently dead after 1 season)
Wilder Days (dead in pilot phase)
Saving Graces (one season)
Safe Harbor (one season)

She was also in cable serieses called Kineticy City Cuper Crew" and “Hall Pass,” neither of which lasted very long, but hey, it’s cable. Still, that’s five dead real shows in a span of four years. That’s AMAZING.

So if you’re ever asked to star in a show with Chyler Leigh, (who is only 20 years old so how did they expect her to play a friggin’ lawyer) by all means give it a shot, but don’t buy a house near the location right away.

Mmm… Chyler… ::drools::

Anyone remember Fish Police?

Ally McBeal. I liked it at first, then once Billy died I thought about stopping. Robert Downey Jr. saved it for a season… and then he went back to jail, Ally got a daughter outta nowhere, and then it was, truly, the lamest show EVER.

But I loved Freaks and Geeks. Probably b/c I was in high school around the same time the characters were, and I was both a freak AND a geek. Great show, must missed.

No! Nooooooo!

Dear God . . . I worry that somehow the aliens will pick up this show’s broadcast waves ala * Contact * and decide to put us all out of our misery for the good of the universe.

I actually watched one episode and was absolutely astonished at how bad it was. Even for E!, the show is excreable. Did she actually get paid for doing it, or did she have to pay them to air it? I’ve seen infomercials for diet products more entertaining and meaningful than this. [Homer] “I’ve seen * plays * better than this-- Honest to God, * plays!” * [/Homer]

Jenny Jones and Sally. Those are two of the worst shows ever. They always dress Jenny in clothing intended for 16 year-olds, and she only had two episodes that they played over and over again. Send my teen-pre teen to boot camp and breast implants on nothing wearing sluts. And Sally had those STUPID red glasses that I guess she thought looked good. So glad those are off the air. Hopefully Jerry Springer will be next.

Jerry Springer will be in the Senate soon so don’t mock him! And that is only a few steps away from…President Springer! With Steve as Secretary of Defense! Tomorrow’s show: My Dictator Husband is cheating on me, so i’m gonna get him bombed!

::Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!::

I was perplexed to find that at least three of my all time favorites were on this list. Then, I thought about it.

It seems to me that shows that you were glad got cancelled were probably shows that:

a. You didn’t watch
b. You didn’t get; and because of this,
c. You were aghast that they were wildly popular and/or hung around season after season.

So, it’s not suprising that so many shows on this list are someone’s favorites.
Rationalizing this has made me feel better. Carry on.

I was always glad for the disappearance of Strip Club.

I say give him a shot. Things can’t get much worse :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe he could get Saddam and Dubya on stage together, and they could settle things with a good ol’ fashon’ brawl. If Dubya wins, Saddam’s got to leave power, and if Saddam wins, Dubya has to shut the hell up :slight_smile:

Oh shit! Wrong thread :o

Could a mod please delete this?

[schelps away]

Any show about an aging angel sent to earth to “save” selected poor slobs from themselves. These preachy, self satisfied, arrogant, twee piles of sugar coated rat droppings have been the bane of prime time forever it seems. And it seems that just as soon as one gets cancelled another one pops up to fill the much needed void.

I can’t even name all of them but the two most persistent and hate worthy were “Highway to Heaven” starring Michael Landon who became so sanctimonious in the role that he earned the title “Jesus of Malibu” among Hollywood insiders and “Touched by an Angel” which I always thought should be spelled “Teched” I know there have been other knock offs on this theme but they don’t come to mind right now.

The latest incarnation :stuck_out_tongue: has been cancelled so look for some new angel to pop up on the screen before the year is out.

Parker Lewis Can’t Lose, Family Matters and Swans Crossing

Fer chrissakes, can’t you people just change the channel? If you don’t like what’s on, why not go outside and find someone to play frisbee with? That’s a much healthier reaction to a television program you don’t happen to enjoy than reveling in the fact that it got cancelled and several dozen people lost their jobs.


I think Jenny is still on. But, you see- the only time I watched Jenny was for big breasted bimbos. I happen to LIKE big breasted bimbos, myself.

Weird about MASH. Winchester was one of the saving graces of the show, IMHO, as was Col Potter. Somebody had a chance to stand up to the yayhoos. But- their inclusion also meant more Klinger (a perfect example of “funny- once”), and more PC anti-war crap from Alda.

The dreaded “show after Freinds”- aaarrrgh! “Jesse” had a chance, but flubbed it- jumped the shark. “Veronica” was a travesty of the first order. Of course, so is anything she makes…

Anna is one of those OMG:eek: shows- that is great to watch once, and then go “OMG, you can’t BELEEEEVE…”.

Then there are all the oh-so angst filled & PC dramas that the “critics” say are “the best show you’re not watching”. God, how I love to see them get canceled. What was the POS about the girl stalking her boyfreind into college?:rolleyes:


These shows have already been cancelled. Changing the channel won’t do much good other than changing to a channel where the show is just as much not on.

It’s not as if this is a message board dedicated to one show, and everyone’s going in being a wet blanket saying “this show sucks and you’re a loser if you’re a fan of it.” There’s nothing wrong with criticizing a work of art/entertainment for being bad; that’s part of the whole arrangement. Plus, several of the entries have pointed out that they used to be good shows but declined in quality, so it’s not just miserable “this sucks” grousing.

As for “healthy behavior,” staying indoors and posting on an internet message board is inherently pointless and unhealthy, even if it’s for topics that are actually relevant to anything. This is a message board dedicated to the arts, movies, and television. Again, that’s kind of the point of the whole arrangement.

And as for losing jobs, television is an inherently unstable profession. The shows that last more than 1 or 2 seasons are the exception, not the rule. Anybody who goes into that thinking otherwise is in the wrong job. I don’t work in TV, but it’s my understanding that most of the jobs are for production companies, studios, or technical houses, which are somewhat more stable but still nothing like a steady job. So there’s a good chance that most of the dozens who’d be put out of work by a show’s cancellation will be able to quickly find work elsewhere, if they aren’t already working on multiple projects. The “hardest hit” would be the cast, as I understand it, but a) by the time you’ve established your career to the point where you’re on a series, you’ve made your break into the business and will have a slightly easier route into the next production, and 2) the volatile nature of the industry means that for every show that gets canned there are several others waiting to get produced.

So in short: WTF?

Crusade: What the hell was the supposed draw of this abomination of a spin-off. Wasn’t season 5 of Babylon 5 enough of a (completely understandable given the circumstances) taint on the show’s legacy?

Farscape: Much as it pains me to say it, no sci-fi show that I can remember has ever spiraled down into crap so quickly and brutally as Farscape. SCI-Fi’s God-awful scheduling didn’t help matters.

Firefly: Ugly, dull and crude. Three words that can apply to any aspect of the show really; setting, characters, writing, plot, etc.

Firefly It was unwatchable. Utter dreck.