What’s the best tv talk show? Who’s the best host? Of all time?
The worst? Best moment?
I’m a Letterman fan. I’d rather tape that and watch it than a lot of other programming. Used to enjoy Johnny Carson (showing my age) especially the old 90 min. version. Conan seems to be a nice young man but I miss Andy. Kilborn is a prissy fop. Jon Stewart? I dunno.
Comments from other countries welcome. Is Terry Wogan still kickin’?
I think there is a great deal to be said for Johnny Carson, even though his style would go over like a lead balloon today. But the man had class, timing, and while Jack Paar was probably the real inventor of the form, Carson perfected it.
Mike Douglas was my favorite afternoon show. He had/has a good personality, was a talented singer, liked to cut up and have fun and had a different guest co-host each week.