Twitter bans MyPillow corporate account after Mike Lindell uses it to circumvent personal Twitter ban

He’s waiting for sweeps week so that they can get better ratings?

Trying to flog early access to Trump supporters?

Why is Mike Lindell suppressing the evidence that Trump won the election?

I keep hearing Sheldon Cooper in my head, saying “I’m not crazy. My mother had me tested.”

Hey, I just saw a MeinPillow ad on CNN. Seems like that would be pretty far from his target audience. I think it was for some new super sheets.

I’ve stolen this. :sunglasses:

Did they come with super hoods?

I’m assuming he’ll have Geraldo Rivera open up his underground Vault O’ Packets live on television…

Mark your colanders, folks!

Notice how he doesn’t say what year?

Trying to fathom ML’s thought process is hard, but can anyone even tell what message he’s trying to sell here? It’s a bunch of names with arrows that point to other names, eventually all pointing to Donald Trump. What are the arrows even supposed to mean?

If you were a Certified CyberSleuth™ you would know that those are Packet Trails. Information is shot through Fibernet Railway Circuits across the Gigasphere, and the only way to properly navigate your way using a Deckboard* is to follow the Ethermap, which shows the proper Packet Trail routes to take.

*A Deckboard looks like a neon surfboard on springs, you have to wear glowing goggles and reflective fingerless gloves for safety. At least they made Lindell do that when he tried it out.

Seriously, there are only two options here:

A) Batshit crazy
B) Pretending to be batshit crazy as a defense against the Dominion case

If it’s Option B, he’s been playing the long game since before the last election.

I suspect he’s doing what a lot of Trumpers seem to think is possible: saying what he wants to be true in order to try and make it true. But he needs time for his faith mojo to manifest a miracle.

I’d say there are two factors at play here;

  1. Lindell is absolutely a True Believer.

  2. Lindell is fully aware that his Trump obsession has destroyed his brand’s credibility and the only people still buying his pillows are other True Believers, so he has no choice but to double down so they’ll keep buying.

Yes, it’s not so much “riding the tiger” as “riding the rabid wolverine”. You still have to hang on tight but it’s more likely to damage or kill you while getting increasingly irrational and violent the longer it goes on.

He was inspired by Trump’s doctored hurricane path drawing, and just went a little overboard.

Looks like one of John Doe’s journals in Se7en.

He’s probably got an eveb bigger one at home in his basement, with the thumbtacks and string and news clippings and everything. But it’s too hard to travel with so he squashed it down a little.

Coincidentally August 13 this year is Friday the 13th. Trump anywhere near Washington DC is way scarier than anything Jason Vorhees can come up with!

I think Lindell is whacked but to play along we could find an analogy in some of the investigations of Trump: there appears to be a lot of evidence that Trump has played loose with the law but it takes time to collate and organize it.

Which made sense until Lindell came out with his hard Aug 18 date.

I read fairly regularly and they haven’t reported on any of this whacky Lindell stuff. Even Fox won’t touch it.