Twitter bans MyPillow corporate account after Mike Lindell uses it to circumvent personal Twitter ban

Since they’re of opposite sex and reproductive age, perhaps we could mate them and see what sort of offspring develops. Maybe Lizard2 People?

Two Four weeks!

@silenus: Good one! 500 quatloos says Powell the Gatekeeper wins that fight!

From @BootB’s cite to Newsweek:

I have no doubt the idjits paying to attend this “symposium” can be readily buffaloed and “impressed” by any 10yo’s knowledge of all things cyber. Which far exceeds their own.

Which is really the point of the whole exercise for Lindell. He sorta needs a new income stream now that selling overpriced pillows is on the skids.

I was wondering why, if he had all this forensic evidence he didn’t bring it to Powell and Rudy when they were traipsing around the country losing all those court challenges.

Lindell has all the data he needs to get Trump back in office. Can’t wait for it to come out in two weeks!

All the election stealers had to do was to connect via hyperlink to the qunatum router of the voting machine then they can reformat the BOD registry with a cryptographic URL worm changing all of the Trump votes to Biden. finally they cut the hardline to the mainframe to cover their tracks. Fortunately our blackhat hackers traced the DOS-linux signature back to the Wraith node of the OS10 motherboard revealing their trickery as clearly shown here in this graphic

Those Eye-tallyan satellites are pretty impressive.

I wonder how they got them up there.

In a weird “plate of shrimp” style coincidence, while I was visiting my family recently I was invited to “cornhole” (in that particular way). I’m pretty sure we all used to just call that a “beanbag toss”.

Looks like Lin Wood is taking the lead in that particular contest. If he actually goes through with the psychiatric evaluation it should be entertaining at the very least.

From that article:

U.S. District Judge Timothy Batten ruled Wednesday in favor of the state bar and denied Wood’s request for an injunction blocking the mental health evaluation, saying Wood “cites no law” to back up his legal arguments and his claims the bar brought its charges against him in “bad faith” doesn’t hold up because the organization had “‘ample evidence’ of conduct warranting a proceeding.”

The judge also noted that Wood should have filed his lawsuit in state court instead of federal court and pointed out there are other ways for Wood to raise his concerns about the probe as part of the bar’s procedures for investigations.

That’s a great lawyer right there.

And I just opened my freezer, and saw a bag of shrimp in there. Right out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin’ for one, either. It’s all part of a cosmic unconciousness.

What’s the latest on Frank? It’s been two weeks (or was it four?)

Mike has 37 terabytes of packet captures!

Everyone is clearly scared of his cyber packets. He’s going to open the packets on live teevee, and everyone will see that they contain lots of cyber, and all of the cyber will be in favor of Trump. That will show them!

Jeezuz, this guy is a few fruit loops short of a full bowl.

Let’s concede and give in to all his demands. All he has to do is give an accurate technical description of what a packet is on the internet.

That is complete hogwarsh! That Warshington Post article is a complete hit piece. That’s what they do. He has every packet from the election. Every single one of them. Packet captures are absolute proof. Ask any cybersecurity expert, the ones with credentials, and they will tell you it is over. Mic drop over! I’m telling you now, no one has ever seen what he has now. Every packet! He got them all!

He supposedly stopped smoking crack. Can you imagine him if he still were? :scream:

Not even himself. :smiley:

OMG! I bought a box of frozen shrimp today — a family-sized box. And I “literally” never buy frozen shrimp but I did today, then I came home and read this thread. There is some epic cosmic confluence happening right now.

The only logical explanation is that Trump is going to be re-inaugurated in August. It’s really happening! I forgot to buy cocktail sauce, I wonder what that means —— is Pence going to get his comeuppance?

This is fun. Sanity is overrated.

Here’s the thing that I don’t understand: assuming (indulge me, here, this is a thought experiment) that he actually does have oodles of proof of voter fraud, and that Trump actually won the election, and it’s in his possession, and it’s as ironclad as he claims, why bother with the delay? Why not go ahead and play your hand now? If you’re that big a Trump supporter, wouldn’t you be wanting him reinstalled as Chief Executive as soon as possible?