Two tears in a bucket, motherfuck it

I forgot that I had a quiz in my history class today. I walked in, and I couldn’t figure out what everyone was doing. Then I realized that they were taking a quiz.

I felt like this.

I went to the last class of the semester in anthropology and I saw them handing out the finals for us to take. I freaked. Our test wasn’t today, it was next week when they assigned it on our schedules!
Blood pressure skyrocketing, I went up to the professor and asked her what was going on. She said that she had changed it, that it wasn’t as it was written on the schedule, but she announced it in class for the last few weeks.
Well, that kinda put my in my place. Seeing as how I didn’t go to half her classes and zoned out the other half, there wasn’t much for me to argue. I promptly took my seat, and silently failed my test.

Hope yours went better.

I have nothing to add. I just wanted to say I love the title of this thread. I keep saying it over and over again to myself. I think this will be my Monday Mantra…


I first heard it spoken by Mrs. F. Devoe in the movie “Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil”. Anyone know the origin?

George Clinton said it in the first House Party movie, except he just said f***, not m***f. As for the origin, I do not know.