Not sure where to post this but I’ll put it here because it is surely pointless.
Today’s news of escalation of the situation with Iraq really has my stomach doing flipflops.
In a rational sense, I am fully in support of President Bush’s policy thus far. I believe that Saddam represents a clear and present danger to the citizens of the United States, and that his ability to harm us be removed.
I believe that the UN has failed in their efforts to acheive this end, and that the US has enough purely selfish interest in the situation to justify us taking action alone if needed.
I wish of course that war were not neccessary, but I think I would just be sticking my head in the sand to believe it is not EVER neccessary, including against Iraq.
However, I have very many selfishly personal reasons to not want a shooting war to start. Chief among them is that my younger brother is currently stationed with the Army in Kuwait. He just finished a tour in Kosovo (“looking for landmines”) and was back in Germany for a mere 3 weeks before having to ship out to Kuwait for at least 6 months, but likely longer. In addition I have many friends in the military, including one of my very closest friends who is currently patrolling the no-fly zones in his super hornet from the Constellation.
Ugh, I guess what I want most of all for this to just get started and get over with so they can, God willing, come home.
Sorry for the self-indulgent ramble…