UK & Anglophile Dopers -> Demerara sugar?

Sossages! Onna bun! Prices so low I’m cuttin’ me own throat! Sossages!

Also, I know it makes me a Philistine, but I love French’s mustard on hot dogs and some other things. Dijon mustard would gag a boggie.

(sheepish grin)

Well, I can’t believe that I went to all the trouble to post this thread (and have you kind people reply) only to find out that the Bi-Lo grocery store in Belmont, NC carries this type of demerara sugar! Granted they’re “sugar sticks” - some newflangled version of the “sugar packet”, but for $1.79 I can deal.

Thanks folks!

Demerara sugar originally came from Guyana. Now we import it from Mauritius, the land of the dodo.

Demerara is like raw sugar - it has crystals the smae size as raw, however it is covered with a sticky coating of syrup. As TLD said, you can use brown sugar in apple crumble.

If you want to make mock demerara you could put a couple of cups of raw sugar in a plastic bag with a small amount of molasses and golden syrup and mix till the crystals are thoroughly coated with syrup. Experiment with the right ratios - the crystals should be sticky but not cluster together.

I would go the brown sugar myself.

[Captain Carrot voice ON] Actually it’s ‘Inna bun!’ Good day, citizen. [Captain Carrot voice OFF]

Hmmm; oddly, it doesn’t do that for me, as it is quite mild; I tend to associate hotdogs with the fairground and the mustard you get there… well… lets just say if it doesn’t feel like I’ve been kicked in the face, I feel cheated.

Ditto. Mustard should make your eyes water so hard you think there is a danger your eyeballs may fall out.

In the context of hot dogs; that bit is important; there a wide range of mild, aromatic mustards out there that I also wouldn’t do without.