The statements of attainment are non statutory and are included as illustratory material for the guidance of teachers.
Pupils should develop an awareness, knowledge, understanding and appreciation of the key Christian teachings about God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, about Jesus Christ and about the Bible; and an ability to interpret and relate the Bible to life.
God and the Bible
Pupils should be able to:
a. recognise that the Bible is a holy book listened to with reverence.
. Talk about the use of the Bible in Church and elsewhere.
. Read from the Bible in a service of worship.
. Dramatise a Bible reading.
. Talk about how Jesus listened to stories from the Bible (Old Testament).
b. illustrate the wonder and variety of God’s creation.
. Talk about what God has made: people, flowers, birds, animals.
. Make a collage of God’s world.
. Bring in and talk about photographs of themselves.
. Plant bulbs and seeds; observe the way in which they grow.
. Go for a nature walk.
. Collect leaves, pine cones.
. Make seasonal displays.
. Look after birds and animals.
c. recognise that God cares for his creation and people.
. Participate in a Harvest Thanksgiving service.
. Make up a prayer expressing thanks for God’s care and providence.
. Make a classbook depicting growing things and how they change.
. Dramatise the story of Noah.
The Life of Jesus
Pupils should be able to:
a. demonstrate their knowledge of the Christmas story and of its significance.
. Retell the Christmas story.
. Design and make a Christmas card illustrating the Nativity scene.
. Make a model of the crib.
. Make up a prayer thanking God for the gift of Jesus.
. Make and distribute presents.
. Take part in a Christmas carol service.
. Dramatise the Christmas story.
b. demonstrate some knowledge of life in Nazareth during the childhood of Jesus.
. Talk about the way of life in Nazareth when Jesus was growing up.
. Make a model of a house in Palestine.
. Play some of the games that Jewish children would have played
. Compare a school day in Jesus’ time with your school day.
. Talk about Jesus visiting the Temple.
. Make a frieze depicting life in and around Nazareth.
. Draw a picture of a Roman soldier, merchant, pilgrim or fisherman.
c. give examples of the teaching of Jesus on forgiveness and begin to understand its application.
. Dramatise the story of Zacchaeus. Draw ‘before’ and ‘after’ pictures of Zacchaeus.
. Using pictures and sentences, outline the story of Zacchaeus.
. Talk about the example Jesus set.
. Improvise or role play on the theme of ‘saying sorry’.
. Make up a prayer expressing repentance.
. Role play or improvise situations involving forgiveness.
d. demonstrate a knowledge of how Jesus healed people.
. Retell an appropriate story:
Jairus’ daughter;
blind Bartimaeus;
Peter’s wife’s mother.
. Make a classbook about the people Jesus healed.
e. demonstrate their knowledge that Jesus claimed a special relationship with God his Father.
. Relate the occasions when Jesus prayed to the Father:
early in the morning;
in the Garden of Gethsemane.
f. illustrate how Christians can call God their Father.
. Say the Lord’s Prayer.
. Sing the song ‘Abba, Father’.
. Make up a prayer which addresses God as Father.
g. demonstrate an understanding that Jesus made friends and offers friendship.
. Make a cartoon strip of Jesus’ meeting with some of his friends: Peter, Matthew, Mary, Martha.
. Decorate the names of the friends of Jesus.
. Dramatise the story of Jesus’ visit to Mary and Martha.
. Draw a picture of Jesus having a meal with some of his friends.
. Imagine that Jesus came to your house for tea. Tell a friend about the visit.
. Participate in a classroom party or celebration.
h. demonstrate a knowledge of the main events of the passion and death of Jesus.
. Write a diary, outlining the events of Holy Week.
. Make palm branches.
. Dramatise Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem.
. Talk about special meals.
. Talk about some of the people who disliked Jesus.
i. recognise that Jesus died because he loved people.
. Make a cross.
. Make a frieze of Jesus’ journey from Jerusalem to Golgotha.
j. demonstrate a knowledge of the main events of the resurrection narrative.
. Talk about how Jesus’ friends might have felt when they heard that the tomb was empty.
. Make an Easter garden.
. Make or collect items for an Easter table: have mustard or cress seeds growing, spring fowers, models of lambs or chicks.
. Make a frieze of new life at springtime.
k. understand ways in which Christians respond to the belief that Jesus is alive today.
. Participate in an Easter service. Write a prayer giving thanks to God for Easter.
. Make Easter cards.